Monstrous - 1

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"What do you mean you're in the hospital!" I exclaimed loudly into the phone at Stiles as I paced in Scotts living room as Liam and I waited for him to hurry and change out of his gasoline covered clothes. 

I took some clothes from my locker, a simple tank and jeans. I kept my jacket since it was leather and I could easily clean the lighter fluid off it. "It's nothing-"

"You were almost killed and you're telling me that it's nothing?!" He just casually informed me that he and Lydia were basically kidnapped by that same creepy Eichen House worker.

Tied up, and almost killed. Oh and Meredith Walker is apparently still alive, Brunski helped her fake her own death.

"You were almost killed too!" Stiles reminded me. "Maybe in a worse matter! You were almost set on fire!"

I sighed and covered my face. Fine he had a point. But still. "I would visit you if I could but it is way too dangerous for me to be anywhere near you right now." Way too dangerous.

If any hunters catch a glimpse of me I'll be hunted down and they won't care about any casualties.

"And why is that?"

I sighed and scratched my head. "There is an army of hunters here in Beacon Hills, and Scott and I are on the top of the list." Those fake security guards from earlier? They aren't the only hunters out there.

We learned from Derek and Breaden that all of Satomi's pack was being hunted down. Again. And now so were we. We called Kira for some help with them since she returned from the hospital with her mom.

"What?!" Stiles exclaimed. "Wouldn't the safest place for you to be is with the sheriff's son?!"

"No, because you forget that hunters are professional killers!" I reminded Stiles. "They've broken into the station before." Way too many times already.

"I'm with Scott and my family. I will be fine." I assured him. "But I need to ask you a favor."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Stay safe."



I heard him take a beat. "Be careful, okay."

I nodded. "I always am."

We ended the call there, and I quickly checked in with my parents. Both of them were with Kira finding Satomi's pack and Brett Talbot.

"Did they find them?" Scott asked as he came down stairs, with two helmets in hand. If he thinks I'm letting Liam get on that dirt bike he has another thing coming.

I nodded, putting aside the dirt bike thought for now. "Yeah, they found Brett and a few others from Satomi's pack. They're fine, but we've got to go." Before we and they run into any more hunters.

"More assassins?" Liam questioned as he followed Scott and I to the back door of his house.

"Maybe a lot more." Scott muttered.
"Different than the ones who just tried to set us on fire?"

"I think so, yeah." Well I wouldn't say they were really that different if they were willing to kill innocent people. But you could say more professional.

Scott and I both paused when we heard the hesitancy in Liam's voice. And then we smelled the nervousness around him.

I looked at Scott. We couldn't just let him come with us after what we just went through 30 minutes ago. He was 15. "How about we take you home?" Scott asked as he held up his other red helmet which I immediately lowered, shooting Scott a look.

Liam sighed, with this puppy dog look on his face. "I'm not like you guys."

"Not yet–" I pointed out. He was still learning how to adjust to being a Werewolf. Learning the ropes and such.

"I don't mean I'm not strong, or I'm never gonna learn how to be in control–" Liam said with a shake of his head.

"I mean everything else." He clarified.

"You and your friends... you try to protect everyone. Have you been doing this the whole time? I mean, how are you all still alive?"

I paused. My eyes darted to the ground. "Not all of us are…"

On some occasions, we were lucky to have even survived some of the stuff we've been through. But the others weren't as lucky. Allison, Aiden, Erica, Boyd. I think about them all the time.

Yes, even Aiden.

Scott holds up the helmet again, handing it to Liam. "Let us at least take you home."

I, again, lowered the helmet again. "Absolutely not."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

When we dropped Liam off (in my car) I made sure to give him one of those protection charms Athena had made. I had learned the spell and the stuff needed, I made him take it in case he was attacked in his own home. Because I doubt the hunters cared about breaking and entering.

And then Scott and I drove immediately down to the animal clinic where my parents were with Kira and Satomi's pack. I parked the car completely wrong but I doubt Deaton would care much how I park since it's technically closed.

Scott and I jumped out of the car and ran to the clinic's door. Kira meets us there, or she meets Scott in a lovely embrace. Dad steps out from the back, closing the doors behind him.

I threw my arms around him quickly, thankful that he was okay. Dealing with hunters was always a horrible thing. Dad nods through the hug. "I'm fine. The others are inside."

We all headed deeper inside the animal clinic to find Mom and Athena talking to Satomi, with Brett, another girl around Liam's age and two other werewolves in the room. All of them wet from having been in the rain outrunning the hunters.

"Isabelle." Mom said relieved as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Mom, I'm okay." I tried to assure her as I pulled away.

"Even so, your first Beacon Hills bonfire and it was ruined."

Oh if only she knew that it was definitely not my first time at the Bonfire. It's technically my 4? 5? Bonfire. She would probably ground me.


I decided to nod in agreement. Sure. I turned to Satmoi, I haven't seen her in awhile. "Satomi, it's nice to see you again."

Satomi nods politely. "Isabelle. You're all grown up," She complimented and I shrugged. You could say that.

"Are you still drinking the Reishi Mushrooms?"

Apparently, when Satomi's pack was poisoned like the rest of us she was the only one who remained unharmed because she ended up immune to the Werewolf poison because of the mushrooms.

Satomi nods with a small smile. "Brought your dad a box." I wrinkled my nose in disgust at my dad. "Please drink that at your work."

Dad laughed unhumorous.

“Satomi,” Mom says as Kira finally brings in Scott. “This is who we were telling you about.”

Satomi smiled as she was introduced. "I know who Scott McCall is.”

Who doesn't. I wouldn't be surprised if word spread about Scott's true alpha status. Plus, I'm sure Derek has talked to her anyway.

“Are we safe here?” The girl next to Brett asked. “We're gonna need help." Scott and I told them.

"A lot of help.”

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