The Righteous Predecessors' Reflection on the Qur'an

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Ibn ‘Abbaas  may  Allah  be  pleased  with  him said: “Performing two Rak‘ahs with reflection is better than performing prayers all night without heart (reflection).”

Al-Fudhayl  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him said, “The Quran was revealed to be implemented, but people made its recitation their aim.” People asked, “How do we implement the Quran?” He replied, “By holding its permissible acts to be permissible and its prohibited acts to be prohibited, abiding by its orders and abandoning its prohibitions, and reflecting on its wonders.”

Some of the righteous predecessors would perform prayers all night, reciting one verse and reiterating it, pondering its meanings and reflecting on it.

Their aim was not to read the Quran in full, rather their main concern was to read with reflection and understanding. Muhammad ibn Ka‘b Al-Qurathi  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him said, “I read only Soorat Az-Zalzalah and Al-Qaari‘ah.
[chapters 99 and 101] during my prayers at night, repeating and pondering on them, and this is more preferable to me than reading the whole Quran hurriedly.”

May Allah continue to guide us to right way.

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