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I was working at the diner here in Charming when he walked back into my life. Alex Trager and I had partied together in high school and hooked up, a lot, at those parties. When he left for the Marine Corps I was happy for him, even if it left me in Charming all alone.

"Laur- baby, can you take those two rowdy lookin boys that just walked in?" Pat asked, looking up at me as I cleaned the counter.

"Sure thing," I said, smiling slightly at her as I grabbed my notepad and pen and headed to the table. I'd been working here since I got out of high school. I couldn't just leave my mom all alone in Charming. Not after everything we'd been through.

"What can I get for you two boys today?" I asked sweetly as I walked up. They turned to look at me and the darker haired one's jaw dropped.

"How about we start with some coffee and then finish it off with your number," the blonde said as Alex continued to stare at me.

"I'm sorry blondie, you're gonna have to work for that. Huh, Trager?"

"You two know each other?" The blonde asked.

"Yeah, I'm Lauren Ash," I said.

His jaw dropped then too. "This is her?"

Alex just nodded.

"How about I let the two of you talk and I'll grab some coffee," I said, turning to walk away. I grabbed the two mugs and a coffee pot, returning to their table quickly.

"My apologies for hitting on you," the blonde said.

I smiled a bit and told him not to worry about it. "Besides I've got two months to get hitched before Charming starts to think I'm a lesbian."

The two chuckled and I finally got their orders. I headed back and put the orders in before taking a tray to another table I had. Luckily this diner never got too busy.

About fifteen minutes later, their food was ready so I delivered it to the table. I heard the door opening and JT and Piney walked in as I was setting Alex's plate in front of him.

"Alex, we should catch up sometime," I said. He agreed and we talked for a few more minutes.

"I'm going to go wait on JT and Piney. I'm the only one the Sons want waiting on em," I said. The two just agreed and I walked away.

"What can I get for y'all today?" I asked.

"Just our usuals," Piney said.

"Sounds good," I said.

"How're you doing today Laur?" JT asked.

"Getting through," I said. "Mom's on the up again so holding out hope there."

"Good," JT said. "Tell her we send our love."

"I will," I said before walking away to put their order in.

I went to check in with Alex and his friend whose name I still hadn't learned.

"Lauren, this is Herman Kozik. Everyone calls him Koz," Alex said by way of introduction finally.

"Well, Koz, it was nice to meet you. I'll be seeing you around I'm sure," I said. I took the money from him as he nodded.

"And the change is your tip," Alex said.

"Thank you much," I said. They both nodded and Koz started to walk out.

"What time do you get off?" Alex asked.

"4:00," I said. "And I still live with mom so."

"Can I come by tonight?"

"Yeah," I said. He nodded a bit before walking out.

I went to talk to JT and Piney and they had plenty of questions about who Alex and Koz were.

"I only know Alex and I'm sure the Marines changed him," I said. "Besides, his story is his. I can't tell you what little I do know."

The two were not thrilled about my lack of divulging but allowed me to get away with it.

Lauren Ash || A Tig Trager Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now