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The following day, JT was still in a coma, so most of the guys were headed to my mother's funeral. Quite a few people were in attendance, even Chief Unser, which I thought was odd but I didn't argue the fact as he offered his condolences.

The whole day was kind of a blur of people telling me how much they adored my mother and how sorry they were for my loss. A lot of my high school friends were in attendance despite me not talking to many of them anymore. We just grew apart I guess.

After the service and burial, Alex accompanied me back to my mother's where people spent the afternoon delivering more food and flowers than one person could ever need. I knew it was just their way of being polite but I really didn't want to be dealing with them. Luckily Alex was there, softening and smoothing over some of my attitude.

By about five pm things had finally quieted down. People had quit arriving and Alex and I were the only ones left in the house. We threw one of the casseroles that was brought over in the oven for dinner and sat down to wait for it to cook.

"Any update on JT?" I asked softly.

"Not yet baby," he said. He was treating me with kid gloves which was probably for the best but it was pissing me off.

"Alex," I said. He didn't seem to understand my annoyance.


"Don't treat me like a kid," I said. "I get I'm going through a lot but I need you to treat me like an adult. I need to know that things aren't changing even thought it feels like my world is collapsing in on me."

"I'm sorry baby," he said. "I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I was happy the day I got the news that my fucking parents finally killed one another."

"I know but your parents were shitty. Ma was great. We're both grieving her," I said.

"She was more of a mom than mine ever was. Speaking of, can we please turn the Angel dolls?"

I chuckled a little and stood up to grab them off the television stand. I opened one of the cabinet doors and hid them inside for him.

"Better?" I asked.

"Much," he said. I smiled at him a bit and kissed his lips quickly before going to grab a water for myself and a beer for Alex.

"What's going on?" I asked softly. He was being weirdly quiet.

"Just thinking," he said.

"Can I ask what about?"

"You, me, doing this whole life thing," he said. I smiled weakly at that.

"Like marriage and kids and shit?"

"Yeah, exactly like that. Once I get my patch, you can be my old lady and we can some kiddos running around. Couple girls who look like their Momma and a couple little boys-."

"I can't raise Alex Juniors," I said. "One of you is enough."

"I'm hurt doll," he said with a chuckle. I shook my head a bit but chose to ignore him.

"Gotta have some future prospects too. Not just club princesses," he said. I knew he was all in with the mc but hearing him talk about our future with the mc in it really solidified it for me.

"I can't wait Alex," I said softly. He kissed my lips.

"I love you Ren."

"I love you too Alex."

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