Email #5- Focus

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BioSys Solutions
Email Correspondence Server
October 11, 2020— 1:45 PM

FROM: Paul Mandero <Pau_Man@Mes.SEC>
TO: Unregistered Group Server (UNSECURED)
SUBJECT: Maintaining focus

As a reminder to all research personnel, workplace discussions should remain focused on these questions:

-Does the HABA simply mimic organic material, or is it actually organic?
-Does the HABA simply mimic traditional architecture, or is it actually a building?
-Does the HABA conduct authentic activity reminiscent of living organisms?
-Is the HABA sentient?
-Can human beings live within the HABA?
-How can BioSys Solutions benefit from using the HABA?

We are here to advance our understanding of anatomy and medicine, not gossip about Corporate.

Paul Mandero
Senior Researcher

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