Email #39- Overpower

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BioSys Solutions

Email Correspondence Server

November 7, 2020— 4:44 AM 

FROM: Ron Thompson <Ron_Tho@Mes.SEC>

TO: Unregistered Group Server (UNSECURED)

SUBJECT: Abnormal Electroencephalogram Readings

Nodules 508 through 511 have automatically deactivated, due to their safety self-assurance protocol. It seems they are receiving a significant surge of bio-electrical energy from the structure. I'm looking at my terminal, and the output is somewhere between 19 and 25 Hz.

This far exceeds the safety parameters for any of our EEGs. If I knew any better, I'd say that the structure is suffering a severe epileptic attack, but no. These readings are being detected by Machine 16.

Machine 16 is located within the living room.

Ron Thompson


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