Chapter 8: Alliance

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Scoundrel: "W-where am I? What is this! Let me go!"

Scoundrel tried teleporting, but he failed.

Scoundrel: "Dammit, I don't have the stamina to teleport out of here! LET ME GO DAMMIT!"

Momo: 'Yes the ring worked, and Deku was right about him teleporting.' "Hello again Scoundrel. We've got you surrounded so don't even bother to try and escape from us!"

Scoundrel: "Let go of me big tits! Once I get out of here, I'm gonna fuck you up!"

Momo: "Jeez we haven't even gone out yet. Well quit your whining because you've got some explaining to do!"

Scoundrel: "If I answer your stupid ass questions, are you gonna let me go!"

Momo: "Maybe, but you're gonna have to chill the hell down and comply."

Scoundrel: *sigh* "Fine...I'll relax. Doesn't seem like I can escape anyway, EXCEPT FOR THI-AAAAAAA!"

Momo: "I forgot to mention, that ring is stuck to your finger and I have control over it using this device. Try anything and I'll shock you just like I did in our battle!"

Scoundrel: "You little shit! You're so lucky that I'm restrained..."

Momo: "Anyways, are you gonna behave yourself!"

Scoundrel: "Yes I will for fuck's sake. Calm down and stop yelling, I don't want any of your saliva or hot ass breath drenched onto me."

Momo: "How rude! We're wasting time so we might as well get this over with!"

Scoundrel: "Fine...if you say so..."

Momo: "First off, what's you and your friends deal?"

Scoundrel: "Tch, this wasn't my choice. I was ordered to do this by my boss. Me and Murder, who was with your other group of friends, came across you and we had to deal with you otherwise we'd be in big trouble."

Momo: "But why us?"

Scoundrel: "They've got your teacher, who's name I forgot. Aizawa or something? I don't fucking know or care."

Momo: "Is he alive!"

Scoundrel: "Calm the fuck down. Yes he's alive but he's locked up in a dirty ass cell and is probably being fed dog food and poisoned water to live."

Deku: "That's a big relief. At least we know he's alive. I have a question for you as well Scoundrel."

Scoundrel: "Get it over with."

Deku: "Who's your boss? Is it that black squid guy we saw on the news? Also how many of you are there? You had a friend go on a patrol mission, but there were also many others seen at the-"

Scoundrel: "Will you slow the fuck down and ask one fucking question at a time you retard! First off, yes, the "black squid guy" as you called him is ONE of my bosses and his name is Nightmare. His brother, Dream, is another boss of the crew. They're not to be taken lightly, and this universe is super lucky that they haven't just flat out killed everyone yet."

Momo: "How strong are those two?"

Scoundrel: "More than anyone here can handle. It could take this entire city or even the planet to take on just one of them and still lose. They could kill hundreds to thousands of people in the blink of an eye with them being stabbed faster than they could react."

Everyone started getting chills when they heard how powerful Dream and Nightmare are. They started to grow tense in the atmosphere of the dorm rooms now, but brushed it off.

Villain Sans Squad x My Hero Academia (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now