Two Years Back

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"C'mon Ollie, what's wrong? You usually have a little more spirit!" 

"You better focus on Puffin first! Finish it Cindy!"

Cyndaquil rushed at Rowlet with a hot Flame Wheel, knocking it down. Jared extended his reach as Rowlet returned to his Pokéball unable to continue the battle.

"You did good buddy. Maybe we got a little cocky." He tucked him away and grabbed his next Pokémon. "Show her how much you've grown Eevee!"

He tossed the Pokéball to the field. Rising from the dazzling array of lights, Eevee emerged, ready for battle. The Eevee kept its stance low, ready for a speedy command at the shake of a Buneary's tail. 

"Use Quick Attack!"

"Vee!" Eevee's light strides picked up pace until nothing but a flash streaked across the field. 

Ollie grit her teeth as she tried to keep track of where the Pokémon would run to next. "Use Flamethrower and sweep across the entire field!"

Flames emitted from Cyndaquil's back as it let out a powerful flame. As the heat subsided, Eevee was nowhere to be seen. The field was quiet and both Pokémon and trainer looked left and right for the missing opponent until there was movement.

"Cindy, above you!"

"Nice dodge Eevee! Now use Double-edge!"

"Cindy, look out!"

A bright light formed around Eevee, swirling with him as he glided down. The impact let out a huge dust cloud kicking up dirt and leaves, with only Eevee left standing as it all settled. Cyndaquil was left dazed and unable to battle, twitching on the forest floor.

"Cindy!" Ollie ran towards her and cradled her in her arms.

After congratulating Eevee about a job well done, Jared went over to check on Cyndaquil.

"That was a close one. That Cindy is getting a lot stronger. I really think-"

"Will you just shut up for one second?!"

He stopped in his tracks as he noticed tears swelling in her eyes. 

"Stop looking at me like that!" She cried out.

He could hear the pain in her words.


She turned her back to him and ran, carrying her Cyndaquil in her arms. No matter how hard he reached, he felt her growing farther away. His calls grew louder and echoed in a dark abyss when he suddenly woke. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he sat up to register everything.

"A dream again." He groaned as he wiped the sweat from his brow, "Why are we fighting?"

It'd been ages since he last saw her, regretting every second since. He rubbed at his eyes then stretched out his arms and sighed. The morning sun lit up the sky at the beachside basecamp in the Cobalt Coastlands. The sounds of the near ocean waves crashed against the shore with Pokémon playing in the water.

Reaching for his shirt, Jared yawned, not wanting to get chilled from the morning ocean breeze. A Dartrix popped out from the trees, hearing the movement of his trainer Enjoying sleeping in trees rather than his Pokéball, the Pokémon had been keeping a lookout for anyone who may sneak up on them. Jared's little Rowlet had evolved into Dartrix after their last battle with some bandits. 

"Daaaartrixxx." The sounds of his flapping grew louder as he swooped down near the tent.

"Morning Puffin." Jared reached into his pouch and threw him a berry. "Hopefully you slept well."

A Short Story: Pokémon ArceusWhere stories live. Discover now