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Paige Benedict was trouble. That's all she was known for. She could be at the top of her class, yet her classmates would only look at her for her mistakes. Paige took this chance to become a villain in the town, no one wanted to cross her, except for one. Kelly Aldrich, the only girl willing to stand up to Paige's childlike persona. Kelly knew she was perfect and Paige hated it. Paige hated the fact that she was the golden girl, though Kelly began to feel as if she was anything but. She began to question herself every time she came face to face with Paige and began to wonder if there was more to life than what her parents had always taught her. As for Paige, living without parents has made her feel invincible, knowing she could practically do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. When shit hits the town though and only the teenagers remain, Paige begins to spiral as she finds out that she can't do it alone and that suddenly, Kelly Aldrich, is no longer her enemy, and is instead the girl she can't keep her eyes off.

Side note:
Some subjects in this novel will be more mature then others. Read with caution!

Little Miss Perfect - Kelly Aldrich Where stories live. Discover now