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"Paige hurry up!" Mary yelled standing at the door with Jody. Paige groaned as she shuffled her way down the stairs to the front door. She was wearing her favorite pair of jeans, they were just so comfortable, along with a white t-shirt and her green army jacket. Mary handed Paige her bag as she swung it over her shoulder. "You know, it's kind of sad that your little sister can get ready for school faster than you can, especially when you get up before her." "You see, I didn't today, alarm didn't go off in time." "Well that's not my problem. Now come on!" She yelled. As Mary drove her to school, Paige looked over her English homework. English was Paige's favorite subject in school. She loved to write but definitely preferred to read, her books were her most prized possession. Her extra money was spent on them. Mary looked over only to sigh. "Did you not finish your homework?" She asked. "I did, I just wanted to make sure all the grammar was correct." "You need to not be so hard on yourself. Aren't you at the top of your English class?" "I am, I just want to stay there." "Well that's good." Mary smiled. Mary pulled up to the side of the school, unlocking the door once she was parked. "Please behave. I don't want to have to remind you of that everyday." "It's just so fun when you do." Paige says sarcastically. She grins, causing Mary to giggle before she waved goodbye to Jody. She slammed the door before she went in the side door of the school.

She walked to her locker and threw some of her books for next class in there before she heard her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out to see she received a text from Allie. "Will and I are outside the history room." Paige sighed as she closed her locker and began to walk to the room. As she made her way she came across her favorite group to torment: the clique. "Oh watch out, evil bitch ten o'clock!" Harry yelled. Kelly rolled her eyes at his comment. "Did you really have to say anything Harry?" Kelly asked. Kelly just didn't want to have another altercation with Paige. Paige smirked at them as she approached Harry. "It's nice of you to all admire me." "Oh trust me, we ain't admiring you." Clark jumped in. He slapped Harry's hand as they laughed in her face. "Oh wait I forgot, it's only eight am, Clark's brain doesn't begin to function until four." "Hey excuse me, I have a better Mark than you in the gym!" "That's gym class Clark. You don't have to have brains to catch a fucking ball." "Yeah well don't sit up there on your high ass. Kelly is at the top of every class she's in." Harry gloats, proud of his girlfriend. Kelly smiles lightly but doesn't like to gloat about her grades. She believes that as long as everyone is trying their hardest, that's all that matters. "More like she was." Paige snapped back. "Excuse me?" Kelly asked. "I'm at the top of our English class. I'm up by a whole three points on you and my English paper is going to bump that up even higher. But congrats on everything else I guess." Paige shrugged. "Well that is really good Paige. Nice job." Kelly replies as an awkward silence emerges between the two. Neither of them had a snappy comeback. "Well, this was fun, not, but I'm gonna get going." "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Jason yelled. "Don't get your comebacks from a book printed in the nineties. Oh wait...too late for that." Paige sighed. Jason wanted to jump the small girl but Harry held him back. "She ain't worth it man." Luke said. "Yeah, she's just some old trailer trash, living on the edge of town. She doesn't belong here, and she knows it." Harry yells so that Paige can hear. Paige wants to turn but suddenly she feels her emotions getting the better of her. As small tears emerged from her eyes she wiped them away quickly, clutching her books right to her chest. Just because she can be so bitter, doesn't mean she isn't offended by what people say. Sometimes things hurt, she just never admits it. She sniffed up her emotions and walked down the hall, straightening her back to improve her dominance.

She made her way to the history room where Allie was laying up against a locker and Will was standing next to her. Will eyes floated over to Paige causing Allie to turn and the expression on her face grew. "Could you be cutting it any closer Paige? You know Miss Watson hates people coming in late." "You know you could've gone without me." "Yeah, true. Then we could have seen her humiliated in front of the class." Will laughs. "On second thought, thank you for waiting." Paige smirked. The three went in and sat at the back. Paige really didn't love history. She didn't understand why she had to learn about these old dates that she would never remember a day later. She gazed out the window fiddling her pen thinking about her essay. She left it in her locker so that it wouldn't get crumpled in her bag. She just didn't like not having it on her. She couldn't let anything happen to it. She was overthinking about the grammar, trying to remember if she misspelled anything. Her brain wandered the whole class until the bell rang and she sprinted down the hallway. She went to the locker and saw the group standing across from her locker, grinning. She shrugged it off but furrowed her brows as she unlocked her locker. She opened the locker and gasped as soapy fluids fell out of it all over her and the ground. Her locker was soaked in suds and everything inside was destroyed, including her paper. She dove her hands through to try and find it but when she finally did the ink was all runny and it was not salvageable. Paige looked back to see the kids were gone and others were staring, laughing. Paige felt the tears rising up in her eyes and she slams her locker, rubbing away. She runs down the stairs into the girls bathroom, locki mg her self in the back stall as she slid to the ground and began to let silent sobs escape her lips. She was so strong all the time, but this, this really hurt. She worked so hard on that paper, she put hours of her time into it, all to have it ruined by kids who hated her. She hated all of them with everything she had, including Kelly Aldrich. That's when her eyes grew wide, this was all Kelly's fault. She clearly did this because Paige had become the top of their English class, and Kelly can't stand to lose to her. She felt the blood in her body begin to boil as she rose to her feet, walking out of the stall to the mirror. She cleaned her face of the runny mascara and stood there for a second, her hatred for Kelly growing in her stomach. Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, KELLY! "Fuck this bitch." She muttered to herself, before proceeding to run out the door as the bell rang.

Little Miss Perfect - Kelly Aldrich Where stories live. Discover now