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     Paige helped Allie get all the groceries from her car as they walked into her home. Inside, Cassandra was laying on the couch under a blanket, her face pale. "Hey Cassie." Paige said, causing Cassandra to roll her eyes. Paige knew that Cassandra hated being called Cassie and she really enjoyed playing the younger irritable sister role. "Just picked some things up from the store. Are you coming to the meeting later at the town church?" "I don't feel well." Cassandra said. Paige slumped her groceries down, concerned at seeing the pale expression on Cassandra's face. "Well no one feels well Cassandra." Allie says she hadn't noticed her sister yet. "Cassie, are you okay?" Paige asked, Allie finally looked up. "No, I can't find my medicine." Cassandra said, shivering as she pulled the blanket up. Paige noticed her lips were blue and felt a little nervous. "Your medicine, it's in my bag." Allie said point over at her backpack. "Oh really?" "Yeah I thought you forgot it or something." "Oh Allie. Thank you." "Yeah no problem I'll go get it." Allie was hesitant to walk over and looked at Paige. Paige's eyes darted over to Cassandra and then back at Allie, wondering why the hell Allie wasn't getting her meds. "But then you have to get back out there. Because there's a hundred fucking idiots running around not having any idea what to do." "They won't listen to me." "Fuck that Cassandra. You know how to take an urge over anyone." "I'm scared." Cassandra says. "You can't be. Because you have to protect the town. And you need to protect Paige. And you have to protect me." Allie said, her eyes watering. Paige went over to Allie and grabbed her arm. Allie leaned into Paige as Paige wrapped her arms around her. "Will be okay." Paige whispered.

Allie and Paige managed to get Cassandra into clothes and walking. They mass texted everyone to meet at the church where they partied last night and the church was disgusting. The three of them walked over all the garbage and got to the front where Paige admired all the pictures on the walls and the murals that were painted in coloured glass. Her gaze was broken when she heard the voices of all the other teens as they started to walk into the church. "What the hell is this about?" "I just thought maybe we could all get together and wait for them." "Are they coming back?" "Well I don't know. Did any of you happen to reach them?" Cassandra asked, everyone looked around at one another. "I got a text from Will." Helena spoke softly, causing all heads to turn in her direction. "He said they were fine where they were. When I asked for more context he didn't reply. I haven't heard from him or anyone since." She said defeated, causing low sighs and groans to escape the mouths of the other kids. That meant nothing, they still had no idea where they were, where the group was, they had no idea about anything. Paige looked around at everyone, until her eyes connected with Kelly's briefly. She never realized how large they were, like crystals, and the stare she had was like she had never had a pimple on her face in her life. Her face was so clear and so pure, she could be mistaken for a young child. Anyone would be blessed to have skin like hers. The moment only lasted for about three seconds before Kelly's attention was snagged away by Harry's and Paige's attention was then caught by someone else. Elle was walking around in a hoodie and sweatpants, her hair up in a messy bun. She had bags under her eyes, as if she hadn't slept since the incident. She didn't know what to do, she looked around like a clueless puppy, or a child lost in the supermarket. She was without someone,  and it was hard to watch. Paige sat down in one of the aisles as Elle sat on the floor up on the stage, her arms wrapped around her legs. Slowly everyone started to look like the two of them. No one wanted to be there, anxiously waiting, but no one wanted to go either. They were all so desperate for answers, and they just wanted to go home. Allie sat down next to Paige and laid her head on her shoulder as Paige grabbed ahold of her hand, providing that extra level of comfort. The two sat in silence along with the others, hearts were pounding, hands were sweating, as everyone prayed to the lords above, whether they believed or not, that something good would come their way. The group had to find something....they had to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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Little Miss Perfect - Kelly Aldrich Where stories live. Discover now