Parents of Wei Wuxian (part 2)

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By the seventh month Xie Lian was over it. He just wanted this child to hurry up and leave his body. He was more irritated, more moody, and would even complain about his stomach needing more food. As a god, he shouldn't even feel the need to eat but the baby was not going to let him not eat at all. On most days he would wander about with a meat bun in his hand as it was his favorite snack as well as the baby's. Whenever he wanted some his husband would do his best to make him some. He would make sure to make enough for a full house, as Xie Lian would eat as much as He Xuan would. But it was no trouble for him at all. If Hua Cheng wasn't around to feed him, then Cangse Sanren would be there instead. The cultivator and her husband were now caretakers and family friends to him and Hua Cheng which was saying something as Hua Cheng hated having other people around. However, these two were always there to lend them a hand, and so he had a great sense of respect for them. So one day they decide to have a serious conversation with them.

Xie Lian is sitting with Hua Cheng in a comfortable position, with his head laying back on his lap as his pale hand carefully rubs against his stomach. The two spend most of their time in the shrine as the time was coming close to give birth, so it was no surprise to see them there all the time. The couple of cultivators walk into the shrine and meet them in the door way of their room.

"Step in," Hua Cheng says as his hand continues to caress Xie Lian's stomach with care. The two step in without a word. Hua Cheng waves his other hand as the door closes. Xie Lian slowly lifts his body up to sit and lean against his husband as the two face them with solemn expressions.

Sanren is the first to speak, "Your highness, you wanted to see us?"

Xie Lian nods.

"Please kneel," he says tiredly.

Both listen and kneel before them. Hua Cheng goes into his sleeve and sets down a simple red ribbon. Xie Lian goes into his sleeve and sets down a silver butterfly pendant.

"Listen, and listen well. This child will not be an ordinary child as they will be born from a ghost king and a god. A martial god. He will have great potential, and will more than likely have great power as he grows up. However, I have a terrifying feeling, that should he stay around us all as gods and ghost for too long in his life, he will eventually fall into ruin with arrogance. Many will want to target him, as he will be our child...."

"Your say him as if you...know the gender..?"

Xie Lian smiles and nods.

"I had a sort of vision, which has never fully happened before. But I saw that my child will be a boy. Our son will be a bright child. But in the vision I saw so many things that were not good...and I fear that it will lead to a bit of a discord between all three realms. Hence why I must ask of you to do us a single favor..."

Hua Cheng glances down to Xie Lian and lightly rubs his arm as he could see the hurtful expression in his eyes.

" the age of three I beg of you to take my child with you to where your clan is. I ask that you please raise him for a little bit, I want him to travel and see more of the world, and begin his cultivation without the stress of gods and ghosts all around him....this was a decision we made together to trust you both. You're both strong and well capable. I trust you to do your best with him, think of yourselves as his uncle and aunt,"

The couple turn to each other before turning back to them.

"Your highness..."

"I can't guarantee that you won't face hardships along the way, if you do pray to us or to Mu Qing and Feng Xin. We won't hesitate to come to your aid..."

"Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of sending him with us?"

"Perhaps, but should your lives be lost due to this...I'll never be able to forgive myself. I can aid in protection for a while for you..."

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