Parents of Wei Wuxian (Part 8)

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Everyone is silent and still. No one  utter a word or sound. All anyone could do was breathe. Whether God or ghost, even though the dead aren't required to. All eyes are facing forward to the portals before them.

By now the two boys are left to hide wherever they could as they were now walking targets. The two take a moment to breathe in an alley as Wei Wuxian volunteers to find them some food. He holds his hand out.

" over him."

The silk band unwraps itself from his body with hesitancy, but obeys his command without a complaint. This leaves Xie Lian  to fidget with worry. He left his silk bandage with him to protect him, but now his son is doing the same with his adoptive brother. He could only hope for nothing to happen. But his hopes are soon crushed as several men from the Wen Clan were close by and were looking for them.

The Jiangs are paralyzed with fear as they watch the men pass by their son.

"But...A-Xian...!" Fengmian calls, but stops as he watches his son come to the same conclusion.

Jiang Cheng glares down to the silk bandage and says, "Go back...! Now!"

The silk bandage trembles slightly before rushing off to cling to its current master.

"Look like your influence wasn't too engraved into him. Otherwise he would have chosen  to spare himself the trouble Madam."

Madam Yu says nothing.

"Even so without a doubt he will go to save him..." Xie Lian says quietly. "Because it's his brother...and he swore to protect him."

And he was right.

Wei Wuxian stood before a small shop with a bamboo hat over his head, when Ruoye suddenly slithers up his ankle to his neck.

"I told you to stay with him....!" He turns toward the direction that the silk band was pointing to. He quickly forgets about obtaining any food and runs for it toward the area where he left his brother.

When he arrives he doesn't see anyone there. He curses and gazes down to the bandage. Ruoye trembles with fear and guilt. He sighs with frustration and quickly moves toward the direction of Lotus Pier.

'You would only come back to me...if he sent you away on purpose....meaning he didn't want protection. Jiang Cheng please...!' His teeth clench tightly as he jumps over the roofs of the shops and into the trees.

"See....? He's going after him...."

"And personally I don't want him to...." Hua Cheng says bitterly.

"How dare—?!" Madam Yu begins, but stops when she notices the grim looks hanging over them both. "What...?! Why are the two of you looking like that?! And you're a god...why do you wish for my son to perish?!"

"I do not wish that....but...I can only tell you that....something is wrong. Something is very wrong...and I don't believe it will end well on either end....whether our child's or yours....."

Madam Yu prepares to shout again, but then notices the trembling of his hands. Compared to Hua Cheng, this God appeared to be calm, but in reality was terrified. When she looks to the Ghost King, it's the exact opposite. He's not terrified. He is merely enraged and it's obvious to the dozens of eyes that were around them. He was not happy at all. Why would he be? His own son is suffering without their presence at his side. Without any comfort. And without any real confidence in himself. Just like Xie Lian, Wei Wuxian was a willing sacrifice as long as his loved ones were safe and well. He could die now so long as his brother is able to live.

And he hated it. He hated seeing his God give everything to everyone, only to be shoved deep into the very dirt. Now he was watching the same thing happen to his own child. How could he not be angry?

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