Parents of Wei Wuxian (part 3)

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Xie Lian wanders back and forth throughout the heavens watching as his comrades lose power day by day. The only things keeping them alive and well is the power of his own believers who are choosing to help him as he protects the gates of the heavens. The danger that had came to pass and cause chaos was now lingering in the world of the living through a man with a need for power. A clan leader dressed in white and red. A man he had envisioned before with a shape of the sun decked out in red along his robes. He was afraid of what would happen, and afraid as to how it would impact his son. However, he could only pray and hope that if his son were to perish, that his soul would be left to find them in the ghost realm. He had a vision of his life ending, but it was so blurry that he could not tell as to how he dies. Therefore, he could only watch and wait.

As for his husband, trapped below within Ghost City before their sudden entrapment, he had unleashed an army of butterflies to watch over the world of the living. The only other person who could actually access that side was He Xuan who lived within the waters of ocean. With their situation being more than they could handle, they could only wait and watch as the years go by.

(AGE 5)

Within the walls of the Jiang Clan, Changze and Cangse sit together before a single silver butterfly. The creature glowed brightly as it sits before them on a pillow—voices quietly echoing from the creature.

"So nothing seems out of the ordinary just yet?"

"No your highness, nothing yet. But the robes you described, I believe we know which clan they belong to," Changze says.

"You found his next family...?"

"Yes, the Jiang Clan. They actually are a clan that I serve. I wasnt sure at first so I needed to make sure. But I am certain that this is where he will grow up."

"I see."

"Your highness, have you had any other visions lately while you sleep?" Another deeper voice asks.

"No San Lang....not at all..."

"Mn. I see...."

"Are you both doing okay?" Cangse asks.

"Ah, yes we are both fine." Xie Lian says.

"I've waited 800 years before for his highness. I can wait even more if I need to, but this time I'll wait for them both..."

Changze sighs lightly, "You make it sound like something to be really proud of Hua Chengzu. I'm hoping something can change his fate so that you don't have to wait long..."

Xie Lian sighs, "I wish something could change.....but....from what I've seen.....I don't think anything will. For now just be careful okay?"

The couple agrees and gives their good byes to the two immortals.

By morning the two awaken and prepare for the day ahead. They dress up their son in the appropriate attire for a trip. On this day they were meant to have a small break with just the two of them and the child they vowed to protect. The two first report to the head of the clan, Jiang Fengmian. A kind and gentle man who was pleased by their presence more so than most. It was of no surprise due to the presence the couple would bring to Lotus Pier. It was different compared to the strict ways of his wife, and her practices that she would drill into the hearts, souls, and bodies of their disciples. They were always bright and kind—would greet everyone with a smile, and would help with whatever task needed to be done.

Fengmian would walk and talk with the two adults whenever he could. Unfortunately, this behavior  drove the others to speak. And his wife would follow suit as her accusations of infidelity would begin within her thoughts. She would believe that he would be lusting for the kind face of Cangse, but in reality he was admiring their companionship and relationship from up close and afar. More than anything he just wanted a happy bond such as the one they shared. However, it was nearly impossible due to the strict personality of his wife, who would rather rise in power and appearance than rise to the words of their clans own teachings. Righteousness was meant to be their carrier. Their main formula, to do what is right and not what is expected. You can be expected to do things or follow certain rules, but in the end the choice if forever yours. These teachings he tries to give, but his wife makes it difficult with her expectations. She carries the side of being unrestrained, but she forces the narratives of strict discipline and pain onto others. And she would never see anything wrong with it.

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