Day Before

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(I haven't read any of the manga so this is basically my knowledge of the anime. This is also new time like 2023, but they are still the same age when Takamichi went back in time which will also not be included.


"Huh, you want us to sleepover at your house for the weekend?," Ken-Chin asked.

"Yes, and I want ALLLLLLL of you to be there," Mikey exclaimed.

I had gathered my best friends to tell them about us hanging out.

"And why should we even go?," Baji asked

"Since Shinichiro and Emma wont be there, this would be a great advantage for us." Mikey stated.

(Ya Shinichiro is alive :) )

This would also be a great way to confess to Ken-Chin. I really love him but I don't have the heart to tell him my feelings. Especially since he likes my sister, I don't want any commotion to go between them because of me.

"Kenchin, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Pa chin, Smiley, Angry and Takamichi, you are all invited," I smiled.

"This better be worth my time," Baji sighed.

"It will, you all can go and you can all arrive tomorrow around 5pm, sound good?" I questioned.

"Fine," They all started to leave.

"Oh Kenchin your driving me home," I stated.

"Why me?" He looked at me.

"Cause your the last one here," I laughed.

"Huh, what are you talking abou-" I was right, everyone knew I was gonna ask that question so they all drove off as fast as they could.

"Pleaseee I don't wanna walk home alone since my motorcycle is still getting repaired," I said with puppy eyes.

"Fine I guess, get on," kenchin huffed.

"Thanks," I smiled.

I got onto Kenchins motorcycle and hanged onto him. I smelled him in. I felt protected when I was around him. I wish Kenchin could understand my feelings for him and one day maybe even kiss me.

I looked around and saw a Dorayaki shop.


"Eh,no your brother is going to get mad at me like the other time I bought you dorayaki, he almost kicked me out because of you," he puffed.


"Fine but hide it from him, ok?" he said.

"I PROMISE!" I yelled.

He laughed a little then he went to go look for a parking spot. After, I ran inside to go buy one and of course Ken-Chin had to pay.

When we got out it had started to pour and I was getting a bit cold.

"Mikey you look cold, have my jacket, if you get sick, your brother wont let me even see you ever again," he said.

"Thanks," I smiled.

Kenchin then proceeded to check the time on his phone.

"OH CRAP ITS 10:24pm ALREADY, IM DEAD!" Kenchin stated.

We quickly got on and started driving to my house.

Once we arrived, we were greeted with a not-so-happy Shinichiro with his arms crossed.

"Do you know what time it is and the weather right now isn't so good, you know,"

"Sorry Shin, we had stopped somewhere and didn't notice the time," I scratched the back of my head.

"Thanks for bringing him Draken," Shin said.

"No problem, see you Mikey," he said while he got onto his motorcycle.

"Byeeeeeeee, wait your jacke-" it was too late, he had driven off.

"Its alright you can give it back to him tomorrow. Now get inside right now before I take that dorayaki right out of your pants your hiding," he demanded.


"Your big brother always knows everything, now get in here before I actually do," he hissed.

I ate my dinner and went to my bedroom. I still had the jacket on, it felt warm and had his sweet smell on it. I could have it on for days and never get tired of it. I never wanted to give it back. Wait a minute, he did say "have my jacket" sooooo maybe I don't really need to give it back, well at least not until he asks for it.

I tucked myself in with the jacket on top. I had never had this feeling of such protection.

I went on my phone for a while and though maybe I should look for ways to confess to someone you deeply love.

After a while of scrolling I found ways that said "easy" but seemed really hard for me until I found a interesting article.

It read...

"If you really want your crush to love you, have sex with them and this is the way. Make sure your friends are with you because you are going to play truth or dare with them. Get one of your friends that isn't your crush, go to another room and tell them to say this dare to you 'I dare you have sex with (your crushes name)' its that's simple. If he still rejects tell your friend to say 'I bet ¥24,555 yen ($200) if you 2 actually do it. Maybe then the rest of your friends with join in with the bet and leave your crush no choice but to do it. After doing the devils tango, your crush MUST have gotten feelings for you and you can confess with'no' not being a response."

I saw it and instantly knew this had to be the perfect way to confess to him.

But who will I tell to say the dare to me? Hmmmm, Baji or Chifuyu? No they would tell Kenchin instantly. Hmmmm, Hakkai or Mitsuya? They would never accept even if I payed them ¥1,000,000 yen. Hmmmmm, Pah Chin? He would maybe be good but would instantly tell the rest of the gang and then if Mitsuya found out he would tell Kenchin, no dought. Hmmmm, Smiley and Angry? Why am I even thinking of those 2.

I KNOW TAKAMICHI, HES PERFECT NO ONE WOULD SUSPECT SUCH ODD BEHAVIOR FROM HIM. But he is more broke then a dog. Hmmmmm, ill ask Shi for a little money before he takes off. This will be the most perfect plan. Nothing bad can happen from this, its just a little sex, how bad can it hurt and since no one but them will be here, Shi would never suspect what happens.

I set my phone to charge and put a alarm for 9:00am to get supplies for tomorrow cause my sleep schedule for weekends is too long for the human being.

I breathed in Ken-Chins sent one more time, turned off my lights and fell asleep smiling to my plan.

1084 words

Hoped you liked this, chapters will be very slow, sorry but I'm kinda busy. Don't forgot to share and thx

See you next time TR weebs (TR=Tokyo Revengers)

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