You are the father

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"Mikey, who is the father of that child," Shin looked straight into my eyes.

I knew who must be.


"Is it that Baji right? Or that Takamichi guy? Or-" I gave him the true answer.

"ITS DRAKEN'S!" I started to tear up and fell to the floor.

"D...d....drakens?" Shin mumbled.

"What about Draken?" it was Emma.

"You need to tell her," Shin said.

" please don't," I cried even louder.

"What? What's happening?" Emma was even more confused.

"Mikey is expecting a child and he said its Draken's" Shin stated.

I wanted to kill myself. Emma loved Draken and with this child, I'm taking it away from her.

She looked surprised, though she walked over and hugged me.

"Its alright Mikey don't worry about me, you need to stay focused on your child. Have you told Draken yet?" she asked.

" we just found out right now," I put my hands in my face.

"Why do you even think its Draken's anyway," Shin questioned.

"When you and Emma left for your trips, we had a hangout at the house," I was interrupted.


"SHINICHIRO LET HIM FINISH!!, go on Mikey," Emma started rubbing my back.

"We had a party and at the end of the day, we played truth or dare. I payed Takamichi for he to say for me and Ken-Chin to have sex, for I to confess my feelings to him. When he said it, the others started throwing money in the middle for us to actually do it. I knew Ken-Chin would never, so I used the drug you used on your friends to make him horney. When he got to the main part, I told him to use a condom but he didn't listen. He cummed inside of me for a long while until he got tired and stopped. The next day he found out the truth on what I have done. I ran out the door, got on my bike and rode my problems away. My break didn't work so I crashed into a truck. I woke up in a hospital and that's when he told me his true feelings. T...t..that's all," I was really scared.

Shin was shocked but he only hugged me, "You did something bad, but be thankfully, you have a child who is waiting to see the light."

They hugged me until I stopped crying

"So when are you going to tell him," Emma asked.

"Maybe in Toman's meeting today," I shivered.

"We will leave you to it then," Shin said.


I got my uniform ready, got on my bike, and started going to the shrine.


The Toman meeting ended.

"Draken can you stay behind for a behind for a second," I started panicking.

"Alright," he said.

Everyone of Toman had left and the only ones left was us.


I knew something was wrong. He called me Draken instead of my usual nickname, Ken-Chin.

He handed me a piece of paper. I read it until a certain part had my eyes wide open. I looked at him, he already had a few tears shedding down.

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