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February 6//Fifth Year

I wake up to soft fur and purring against my cheek. "Good morning Star" I smile as I open my eyes. The snow white cat opens his eyes sleepily and snuggles into my neck.

The dorm door opens quietly and Luna's blue eyes peek around the door. She smiles as she comes in and hops on my bed.

"Good morning my love" she says, kissing me on the cheek, and then kissing Star on top of his head. "And how is the baby on this beautiful morning?" Star lifts his head as she scratches under his chin.

I sit up and kiss Luna before getting up and stretching. Star stretches too as Luna lifts him into her arms.

"You missed breakfast, sleepyhead."

I pull a jumper over my head and grin. "Let's go find something to eat from the kitchen" I take her hand and pull her up.

"One of these days you're gonna get caught sneaking in there, Vee" she smiled and shakes her head as I pull her out the door, with Star trailing behind us.

The corridor is empty. Since it was finally warm today, and a Saturday, everyone is outside. I hear footsteps and I pull Luna into a dark doorway, trying not to laugh. Filch wobbles past us but Mrs Norris sniffs Star. I pick him up and shoo Mrs Norris so they don't get in another fight.

When filch is gone we hurry down the stairs to the kitchen. Star watches as Luna tickles the pear in a painting. The pear giggles, and a door handle appears. Star rubs against my leg.

"Keep watch kitty" I say, and in response he sits down proudly in front of the entrance. "Good boy."

The house elves like to spoil us with food and treats, and they love Star, so they always give him treats. There are pancakes left from breakfast and they make bacon for us and for Star. We also get some hot chocolate.

We talk mostly with Dobby. He shows us the new socks he bought with his money from working for Dumbledore. His socks don't match, as always. Luna gives Dobby one of her socks, which also don't match. Dobby grins as he puts the sock on.

"Dobby is happy to have such kind friends!" he gushes.

I smile at Luna. "and we're happy to have you as a friend!"

Dobby pets Star and gives him some bacon before we leave.

"Just wait Dobby, when Hermione becomes minister of magic, you'll be able to have your very own cat" I say.

Dobby's face light up at this.

"Or a goat" Luna adds.

"Why not get a whole zoo?"

Luna grins and we wave to Dobby. Then we go to find our friends outside. We sit with Harry, Ron and Hermione on a bench in the courtyard.

Ron and Hermione had been bickering before we sat down, and Harry looks relieved when we interrupt. Luna and I hadn't really told our friends yet. It was only the first week back at school so we were all busy.

I sit down next to Hermione, stretching my feet out and crossing my legs. Luna lays down with her head on my thigh. Hermione gives me a suspicious smile. Of course she could tell, but the boys were a bit more dense.

"I haven't told you guys yet but Luna and I are-er- together."

Luna smiles and Harry and Ron looked blank for a second, before they smile too. Hermione is beaming.

"Oh I knew you two were made for eachother!" she exclaims.

"I had no idea that you two - erm - liked each other" Ron says. "It makes sense though, you and Luna. You make a good pair."

Luna grins. "We do, don't we?"

I nod as I lean down to kiss her.

"Awe, you two are so sweet!" Hermione says.

"Get a room" Ron and Harry say together, and we all laugh.

I throw snow at the boys, which started an all out war. Star, who had followed us out, is sitting next to Luna and stops cleaning himself to stare at us like we're all mad.

I toss snow at him too, but I only get a blink in response.

"Are you bullying your poor cat Vee?" Ron exclaims.

"He's making that same face I make when Dudley's being, well, Dudley" Harry says thoughtfully.

"He looks pissed at me" I laughs

Ron picks him up. "Okay, I'm adopting you now, Star. Lets go."

We all laugh. It feels good to be back at Hogwarts.

𝔢𝔲𝔭𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔞 ☽ 𝔩𝔲𝔫𝔞 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔤𝔬𝔬𝔡Where stories live. Discover now