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February 14//Fifth Year

At dinner, I sit next to Leo at the Gryffindor table with Luna and he dramatically sighs. Ignoring his rudeness, I hold out my hand.

He looks at the ring. "You two do realize you're to young to get married?"

I laugh. "It's a promise ring."

"Jokes on you, I don't know what that means."

"It's sort of like, engaged to be engaged."

"It's a promise that we'll get married on day" Luna explains.

"Venus Marie Adler, you realize you're only 15 years old? How would your mother feel about you being betrothed without her blessing?"

"Betrayed," Fred says.

"Worthless," George says.

"Thanks guys," I reply.

"Hey, can we be flower girl and ring bearer?" Fred asks.

"I call dibs on flower girl!" George says.

"You would make a very cute flower girl with a little dress and flower basket," Leo winks.

"Thank you, my dearest darling love" George replies. "He gets it."

"Maybe," I reply. "Unless Leo has a little girl by then. Then it would be a tough choice."

Leo laughs. "You think I could take care of one of those?"

"A kid?"

"I would probably leave it places by accident and drop it."

"But you would have us as free nannies," Fred says.

"I love you guys like my own brothers-" Leo starts and Fred interrupts.

"We have like a dozen brothers so we really think of you as more of a cousin."

Leo stares at him with his mouth open for a moment. "I like to think of myself as your triplet," he frowns. "Anyways, I would not trust you with a breathing human."

"Rude," George says.

"There you go, ruining your chances of being declared our honorary triplet brother," Fred shakes his head, looking disappointed.

Leo looks at us seriously. "I do not bless this marriage. Too young. Too soon."

"We're not getting married yet!" I laugh. I lean back and show Leo the necklace I gave Luna. "I gave her grandmother's star necklace and I told her what grandpa told to her when he gave it to her."

"Ah, he would be proud" Leo smiles to himself. "It seems we both inherited his ability to charm ladies, but no one has game like grandpa."

I smile at Luna. "Grandma told us so many stories about grandpa. He was very romantic. Speaking of romance," I lean toward the twins and whisper, "did he ask out Alicia?"

"Sort of," Fred replies thoughtfully.

"I think he tried," George adds.

"What do you mean sort of? What did she say?"

"Well she said yes, but he didn't exactly ask her out. He said something about coming to Hogsmeade with him-and George and I- and she can bring Katie and Angelina if she wanted."

"I panicked!" Leo says.

"I knew you fancied her!" I exclaim. "Leo and Alicia sitting in a tree, s-n-o-g-g-i-n-g!"

"Shut up you little brat" Leo says, covering my mouth.

"Just ask her to be your valentine."


Alicia is sitting down the table, behind Leo. I look at Fred and George. "We should help him out," I say, to which they respond with a nod and a wicked smirk.

"Oi, Alicia!" I shout and wave, and Leo immediately starts shoving my arms down and covering my mouth.

"Alicia, would you like to be Leo's valentine?" Fred and George call together as Leo bangs his head against the table, embarrassed.

Behind him, I see Alicia laugh and nod. "You're welcome, looks like we got you a Valentine."

Leo's head snaps toward her and she smiles at him. He looks at the twins and I. "She said yes?" We all nod and he smiles, relieved.

Alicia walks over, followed by her friends, Angelina and Katie. Luna and I get up to give them our seats, and Alicia sits next to Leo.

"Took you long enough," she laughs.

"We told her so many times to ask you out because you obviously fancied her!" Katie says.

"So, Angelina," Fred says. "Do you have a Valentine?"


Later that night, Luna and I sit my the common room fire and purge our Valentine's chocolate and candy. "We would make great relationship therapists," I say thoughtfully.

I think we have Harry some great advice," Luna agrees. "Hopefully soon he'll realize we meant Ginny."

"I think they're meant to be together, so he will eventually," I say, then add, "do you believe in soulmates?"

"Of course," Luna smiles. "I'm looking at mine."

I smile and kiss her as my symbol of agreement. "You taste like chocolate and cinnamon," I laugh.

"That's because we've eaten this whole pile of candy!"

Luna and I got each other those silly heart shaped boxes of chocolate, and bought more sweets at Honeydukes. Hermione also gave everyone candy, and Leo gave me the candy- and cards, for some reason- that he got from a couple girls. He said he only wanted candy if it was from Alicia, which I thought was pretty funny, but also very honourable. Even though I would never tell him that.

I kiss Luna again and pull her into a hug. "Happy Valentine's day, my love."

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