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February 8//Fifth Year

I was quiet in Umbridge's classes now, although I didn't like it one bit. I had stayed up really late finishing homework and I was starting to drift off during class. Much to my dismay, Hermione nudged me, waking me up.

"I know Umbridge is the most boring and repulsive teacher ever to roam these halls, but we still need to pass the exams" she smiles.

"I know, but I totally forgot about the homework and was up really late finishing it last night. I've been so distracted with the DA and Luna-" at that, Hermione gives me a knowing grin. "Shut up!" I whisper, nudging her.

She raises her hands in defence. "Hey, I didn't say anything!"

"But I know what you're thinking!"

A ruler suddenly smacks our table, startling us both. We look up to see Umbitch glaring at us.

"Sorry Professor, I was just asking Hermione some questions about the homework" I say quickly.

"If you disrupt my class again it will be detention" she looks at Hermione and adds, "for both of you."

Hermione looks as as though she had been slapped. I'm not sure she's ever had detention before. Every time she gets in trouble, she ends up saving the school and is awarded 50 points by Dumbledore.

I shoot Hermione an apologetic smile as Professor Umbridge gives us one final hate-filled look and walks away.

I find Luna in the great hall at lunch and sit down next to her, a huge smile lighting up my face. When she looks at me, he smile matches mine, so we both look like grinning idiots.

"What are we so happy about?" Luna asks.

"I'm just happy to see you. I missed you all morning" I say as I hug her.

"It's rather unfortunate that we aren't in the same year. We'll never have any classes together" she frowns.

"But it's alright, because I get to see you every other minute of every day" I lean in to kiss her before hesitating and whispering. "Do you mind if I kiss you in front of people?"

She smiles and shakes her head before I give her a quick peck. Across the table, Michael Corner nudges Anthony Goldstein.

"Uhm- they just- did you see-?" Michael starts.

"See what?" Anthony Goldstein asks.

I roll my eyes. "He's freaking out about something called a public display of affection. I've seen you kiss Ginny Weasley plenty of times Michael, grow up."

His cheeks grow red and he looks away. Anthony Goldstein looks confused.

I shake my head at Luna and laugh. "Boys make no sense."

"Most people don't make sense, unless you really know their soul" Luna replies.

"Do you know my soul?"

"As well as my own."

Ginny sits down next to us. "Hey, Michael" she smiles, and he's blushing again.

"Hello Ginny" Luna smiles.

"Hey guys. I heard a rumour about you two."

"It's true" Michael blurts out. I glare at him and he looks away like a scolded puppy.

"Are you and Luna together?"

I nod as Luna says, "Yes we are."

Ginny smiles. "Finally. This one has been obsessed with you for a long time," she gestures to Luna. "I kept telling her, just tell her how you feel, it'll be fine. And she kept saying 'it's not the right time' or some excuse."

I stare at Ginny with my mouth open. I knew Ginny and Luna were close friends, so it doesn't surprise me that they would tell each other a lot. But I didn't realize how long Luna had liked me. I look at Luna to see her smiling at Ginny, and then at me.

"I've been team Vena for a long time."

"You gave us a couple name?" I laugh.

"What's our couple name?" Michael asks Ginny.

I think about what it would be as Ginny says, "we don't have one," without looking at him.

Luna told me once about Ginny's crush on Harry, and when I see her and Michael together, I wonder if she's really over her crush on Harry.

Ginny goes on about how cute we are and how excited she is for us, before finally turning her attention to Michael, who lights up.

I look at Luna. "I never realized you liked me."

"I think I was in love with you as soon as I met you" she replies.

"I think I was too, it just took me so long to realize it. I never realized that I could feel this way about a girl."

"I believe we should love someone for their soul, not their face and body. Although your face sure helps, pretty girl" Luna smiles and I kiss her.

I do love Luna's soul. I also love her eyes and her face and her hair and everything about her. I love her more than I've ever loved anything, more than anyone's ever loved. Words could never express my devotion to her.

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