Gorgeous Blue | J. Grace

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Blue Spree was in love with Jason Grace. Not that he needed to know that.

Everyone is aged up two years in this story. Reyna, Jason, and Blue are all seventeen. In the end, Percy and Annabeth are also the same age as Blue & Co.


"BLUE SPREE," the female praetor, Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, called after her. "Can you please stay a moment?"

Blue's eyes flickered to the clock, checking the time. Same as every day, she was on a tight schedule: wake up, school, work, and sleep.

The short legionnaire turned to Reyna, moving stray hairs out of her face from where it had escaped from her messy ponytail. Her hair was stunning, mostly jet black with a few strands of stark white throughout. Her rainbow eyes shimmered nervously as they flicked back and forth between Reyna and the clock. 

As the daughter of Arcus, it wasn't shocking that she basically had rainbows for eyes.

"What do you need, Praetor?" Blue asked politely, crossing her legs so she didn't tap her feet impatiently.

Reyna narrowed her eyes at Blue, wondering why she was so fidgety. Opposed to the usual legionnaire attire, characterized by a purple Camp Jupiter shirt and cargo pants, Blue wore something entirely different. She had a navy blue silk button-up with the sleeves rolled up to her forearms, exposing the muscles there, which all demigods at Camp Jupiter had after at least two years of service. She wore black dress pants and beige heels, which gave her some of the height she needed.

"Jason and I would like to talk to you first," the dark-eyed girl replied, "and then he would like to have a word with you after."

Blue's heart thumped nervously. Sure, she and Jason talked every day, but he never called her in while he was still working as a praetor.

"How long will it be?" Blue sighed.

Reyna lifted her eybrow. "Do you have somewhere to be?"

"I have to be at NRPS in fifteen minutes," Blue explained. "I'm working as an afternoon substitute at the high school."

Reyna nodded in appreciation, and maybe even pride. "Thank you for your service, Blue. We'll only need you for a few minutes."

The two girls, both hardened and matured by different responsibilities and standards, walked to the Principia. They moved quickly, using wide strides to reach their destination.

"Sparky Sparkles," Blue greeted Jason as she stepped into the room, smiling at him the best she could. Her heartbeat quickened, but she ignored it. She had more important things to focus on than how pretty he was.

"What's up, Bluebell?" Jason said smiling as he wrapped an arm around her midsection and rested his head atop hers. 

"Praetor Grace, hands off the legionnaire," Reyna said, faint amusement playing in her eyes.

Jason shrugged and let go of Blue. The daughter of Arcus' hair shaded a light pink at the ends, but she ignored it.

"So, what do you need me for?" Blue asked, automatically checking the clock.

Reyna sat down quickly, picking up some jellybeans. "We were originally going to discuss the future of the legion, but we'll do that later when you're off work."

Blue nodded in appreciation, wondering why the hell she needed to discuss the future of the legion. 

"The position for Centurion in the fifth cohort still hasn't been filled since I became the praetor," Jason informed her. "We thought that you're the best person for the job."

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