Sien und Ziet

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Humanity's misery is the composition of temporality and beauty
What grey eyes have seen as they fade to the world to come
What new hearts beat for during there first preoccupation with enchantment
We as species cursed with blessing are left with on this side of paradise
To see many miracles wrought many triumphs had and many wonders discovered
But we can only know there splendor in a passing sojourn
And even then we can not know them fully
For our memories are but stories we tell ourselves and others
And those things are as corrupted as our need for eternality.
We forget the beauty, we question it's very existence as we remain blind by the tumult of the current zeitgeist

When we need to be reminded of the splendor of living we forget it the most.
Because the sickening truth of this time on earth is that while delight and luster of the living continues we won't one day
And during that midnight hour if we aren't careful we might have forgotten the allure of all that which ought to be remembered

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