Le Divorce

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Separate from the illusion of togetherness
Separate from the falsities and pretensions of a life together
That was only envisioned by a woman guilty for loving to well
Having lost that love that was never hers to obtain
Separate from the tears that were expended in vain
Separate from the one part gladness one part madness of a love inane
Leave the idea of a bachelorette wed
To chase the bachelorette pursued
Not by court papers or annulments
But by things that cleave the heart to mourn
To live in perpetual regress of sadness
Separate from the hopes that lead one only to hopelessness
Become one with the Tao
Not by emptying oneself into the broken chalice of matrimony
But by emptying the desire to fill the heart of another person
That leads only to disillusionment and the holy aporia of belief no disbelief
I forget which is which any more
Separate from the world as you would like it to be seen and live in it as it is
Free libertine driven by the egotism of tomorrows yesterday
That will and has never come to pass
That is what the world actually is
Is it not?
Love knows no logoscentrism nor credulity
No nepotism save only
That which we envisioned as not happening

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