Chapter 42: City Of Glass

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Y/n: Crap...........I Think I fell on my keys...

Griff: You Think That's Bad, I tasted saw dust

Y/n then gets up and dusts himself off and Stands up to see he was fine.

Y/n: That went well...

The Super Adaptoid that crashed into a Building falls and Crushes a Car. The Alarm goes off and Y/n goes to look at the "Accident".

Y/n and Griff:

Y/n and Griff:

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Y/n: OOF....Hope They're Okay.

Y/n then walks off until he realizes something. He was in Glass. Yes A City name Glass.

Y/n: Oh, Shit. We're in Glass.

Griff: What do you mean?

Y/n: This is where the runners are. They are going to think they did this, And You know how that goes.

Griff: We're gonna be okay Right?

Y/n: Yeah, That's If Freddy Kruger goes after us. Lets Just go before we into more--

???: Freeze! K-Sec, Don't Move!

Y/n: Well Fuck Me in the Convenience

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Y/n: Well Fuck Me in the Convenience. I Spoke Too Soon.

Y/n then does a Fake surrender as The Guard goes up to him.

K-Sec Soldier: Target is Captured. Taking Downtown


Y/n makes a purple Knife and plunges it into the guys Throat. He then kicks the guy off the Building and He Falls.

Y/n: Don't Look Down!

Y/n then runs across the rooftops. He then lands on a Building Filled With K-Sec Soldiers. This was not gonna be easy.

Y/n: Hey Fellas....I'll surrender Okay, I'm not the Culprit He Is!

Y/n then point's a the wall and Bashes The Soldiers heads in.

(Play This For Dramatic Atmosphere)

Y/n then Elbows one of the Soldiers in the head and Throws a purple Hatchet at another. On Soldier Tries to Hit Y/n with the Gun, but he stops the gun and takes he starts to fire the weapon and runs through the building.

K-Sec Soldier #2: Stop Wear You Are!

K-Sec Soldier #3: Get On The Ground Now.

Y/n: Okay, This is gonna have Nuts...

Y/n then makes a Purple Hatchet and Slashes A Soldiers Throat. He Then Catches a Soldier Arm and Chops it Right off, He Swipes two of the Soldier's Legs and Decapitates One and Stabs the other by the Throat. He then Throws the Hatchet at the Last Soldier. Y/n then Goes to Exit the Building but is shot but two electric pods. He tries to use his powers but the devices nullify them completely.

???: Target Has Been immobilized. K-Sec and Shadowkeep Units are Clear to move in.

 K-Sec and Shadowkeep Units are Clear to move in

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K-Sec Soldier: Roger That.

Y/n: Ah Shit...

The Soldier then stomps on Y/n's head knocking him out. They Take him to an undisclosed area so they could make sure he gets turned in so Gyules could kill him. When Y/n woke up he was on a Rooftop.

K-Sec Soldier: Gyules is on his way.

Shadowkeep Tacticion: Good, Once this Colonian is dead. We finally take over the entire multiverse. Infinite Worlds Equals infinite possibilities.

K-Sec Soldier: What happen to us?

Shadowkeep Soldier: You'll get rewarded. Focus on the task at hand for now.

K-Sec Soldier #2: That's if we--

The Soldier is knocked out by a stranger. The Stranger then fight the other three soldier. They then knock out the three soldiers. The Stranger then appears to be Female. She had short hair and some kind of tattoo going over her eye and arm and one of her hands had a Red Glove.

 She had short hair and some kind of tattoo going over her eye and arm and one of her hands had a Red Glove

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Y/n: Who Are you? Where am I?

???: A Person Trying to help you. And You're in Glass.

Y/n: I know that but who are You?

???: I'm Faith. Faith Connors.

Y/n: What a minute I remember. You're from Mirror's Edge.

Faith: What's.......Mirror's Edge?

Y/n: A Game I used to play. And You were in it.

Faith:..................You're Not From Here Are You?

Y/n: No, I'm Not. I'm Y/n.

Faith: Wait.....That's Impossible.

Y/n: What Do You Mean?

Faith: Y/n L/n is dead...

Y/n: Oh, But I'm from another Dimension.

Faith: You're Lying.

Y/n: Faith, I'm No-AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

Y/n then starts to glitch out. Faith sees this and is surprised by this. Her Y/n never did this.

Y/n: Help (Glitches Out) Me.....

Y/n Then loses Consciousness as he blackouts. Faith takes him back the hideout to help him. Shadowkeep had entered this verse and Y/n was running out of time. This Could be his last stop.

(To Be Continued)

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