Chapter 3

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Hadrian walked briskly down the hallway, just short of a run. The small holiday they had been given had quickly run out and now the year was really picking up in terms of schoolwork. The only difference this year had to all the others before it was the subtle thrum of energy that seemed to surround every student and teacher.

Hadrian hated it.

Everywhere he turned the Triwizard Tournament was on someone's tongue. He never thought he would miss the inane conversation topics and scandals his classmates used to find so interesting.

But what he hated even more than the now official reviving of the tournament, were the eyes and whispers dogging his every step. It seemed most of Beauxbatons had already decided he would be their champion.

Well, he thought with a slightly bitter smirk, they are going to be disappointed. He had no intention of signing himself up for a death match between countries. It was bad enough he had to go as a representative.

In fact, that was where he was heading now. Two days ago he, as well as twenty-nine other seventh years were asked to attend a small meeting with their Headmistress. They were not told what the meeting was about, but considering everyone asked to attend were the top students in their year, it did not take a genius to put two and two together.

Still, it rankled him just how fast everything was progressing. Éric had assured him it would take almost a month to pressure Scandinavia to agree, and yet not two weeks after France folded, word of Scandinavia's approval had reached them. Hadrian had thought he would have more time to prepare himself for his inevitable return to his birth country – and now he was becoming agitated.

He was almost positive Voldemort was somehow behind Scandinavia's severe lack of fight.

Hadrian quickly scaled a staircase and took a left, his destination coming up.

The Headmistress had chosen one of Beauxbatons' duelling halls to host the meeting, given the size of her audience.

The white door was already ajar when he reached it, and he could make out the buzz of multiple voices just inside. Clearly he would be one of the last to arrive. His lips thinned.

Without further ado, Hadrian slipped into the hall and kept himself close to the marble wall. A quick scan of the room allowed him to spot Claire and Raina. He wasted no time in sliding up next to them.

"And here I was hoping you had died." Raina stated bored, not even bothering to turn her head to look at him.

"And miss a chance to torment you with my presence?" Hadrian tugged on her braid with just enough force to snap her head back. Raina shot him a look, murder in her eyes.

He grinned at her.

"Go to hell Evans." she hissed.

"Oh sweetheart, out of the two of us, you would be more at home there."

"What are you two bickering about now?" Claire snapped.

"Merely how I cannot wait for Raina to shed her mortal skin and re-join the other demons in their fiery kingdom." Hadrian smirked and turned back to the girl in question. "Tell me honestly, does it hurt pretending to be human? Craving the souls of the innocent lately?"

Raina rolled her eye. "You are such an arsehole Evans."

"I'm hilarious." The two girls shared a glance at his response, amused at how certain he sounded.

He could practically see the scathing response on the tip of Raina's tongue, but whatever delightful comment she wanted to make was cut off by the sound of the door opening fully. As one, all the students present straightened to attention with the swiftness of those who had years of experience.

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