Chapter 15

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Hadrian woke early, taking his time getting ready for the morning. He paid more attention to his appearance then he usually did, ensuring that his hair was tussled back neatly, and that his uniform was pressed and everything was in its correct place.

He was not particularly anxious about the upcoming meeting, but with the first task looming he was beginning to feel a bit of pressure. So far their research into manticores was going horribly, hitting wall after wall with information - simply because there was not any to be found.

The dismal amount of documentation about manticores was doing nothing to encourage him. So far, the most helpful slip of information he had gotten was dangerous, do not approach.

Yeah, thanks for the advice you dead bastards.

With a sigh he smoothed his hand down his tie, fingers absently playing with the end of it as he stared at his reflection.

"You look absolutely dashing." The mirror said, eyes roaming appreciatively up and down his form.

"Shut up." He ordered shortly.

In less than an hour, Minister Lécuyer would be arriving to take him to the meeting point, where he would greet a number of important council members - including, he was sure, Éric Korin.

The thought of seeing Jacob's father soured his relatively calm mood. He had no idea if Jacob had already written to the man in regards to the swift end of their friendship, and he had no desire to find out the man's reaction if that were the case.

He knew that Éric had disapproved of how much influence he had had over Jacob - considering recent events, Hadrian almost wished he had had more control over the Korin heir - and he was sure that on some level the man would be relieved that the two were no longer interacting.

On the other hand, he also knew how much Éric cared for Jacob and his wellbeing. Ever since his beloved wife had passed away three years ago, Éric had been far more attentive towards his son than the years previous. The last thing he needed right now was someone of Éric's status coming after him for hurting Jacob's feelings.

Thinking of Jacob merely added an unpleasant taste in his mouth. He was angry at the other, beyond anything he had ever experienced before; still ripped and raw from the betrayal. But a part of him missed the other boy greatly. He missed his company and the sense of security he had taken for granted.

Hadrian sometimes caught himself looking for Jacob, to murmur a joke or express an idea, only to be forcibly reminded that Jacob was not with him anymore.

His friends - Raina and Claire, and now, Albert - were good, and he enjoyed spending time with them, but it was never quite the same.

He had trusted Jacob. He had allowed the boy to see a bit more of him than he typically showed. He had given him small hints, offered him pieces of himself. And in turn, the other had broken that tentative bond Hadrian had formed.

It had hurt. A lot. So much so that he could barely handle looking at the other boy anymore.

His mother had always cautioned him against letting people get too close to him, and he had seen the logic behind her warnings. With their lives, they had only each other to lean and rely on.

Hadrian was still young though, and had been unable to refrain from reaching out to his classmates. He had not even realised how far he had fallen into his own webs, how much he had invested in his relationship with Jacob, until he had seen his name written in that horribly familiar scrawl.

He closed his eyes, slumping forward until his forehead rested against the glass surface of the mirror.

By now, the news that he would be fighting a manticore had spread to all of his school mates. He had seen Jacob's reaction to hearing what the first task was. He had seen the horror and guilt in his eyes, when he realised just what he had condemned Hadrian too.

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