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You woke up with puffy eyes. You see a tray with ice infront of your door. 'Did he left it here for me? He is so sweet', you thought to yourself. You soon go to the bathroom and rub the ice cubes around your eyes gently, until the puffiness goes down. Soon you get ready for the day, doing your make-up as usual, but today you went for a different eyeliner look. "Perfect.", you smiled at yourself in the mirror.

"My outfit looks great too", you look into the mirror, before you grab your bag.

"My outfit looks great too", you look into the mirror, before you grab your bag

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The next day you went to school with J-Hope. He didn’t leave you side at all, which you found sweet of him. He is really nice towards you. Maybe it won’t be that hard getting over Taehyung afterall. As you almost reached your classroom, you see Minah and V talking and laughing together.

You held your head high and just walk pass them, not even sparing them a glance. You didn’t want to seem weak infront of them, since you plan on making him regret dropping you like you meant nothing to him. He didn’t even care to explain what happened the day before.
J-hope soon walks in behind you and pulls out your chair for you. “Thank you, hobi.”, you smiled and take a seat. “I see that you don’t mind them knowing about us anymore?”, you looked up at him.

He pats your head and comes down to your level staring into your eyes, making you blush. “Now I want them to know that you are mine”, he winks at you. “Stop joking”, you chuckle. He soon lifts your chin, making you look into his eyes. “Who said that I am joking?”, he said with a serious face.
“But we are..you know..”, you looked into his eyes. “I will make sure that they don’t get married, because I want you to be mine. That’s how selfish I can be, angel.”, he slowly runs his thumb over your lips. “No one will dare to even hurt you, once they find out that you belong to me and only to me.”, he smirks. 

You have never seen him like this before. For some reason you can’t take your eyes off him. He soon kisses you, as he sees V walk into the classroom. You kissed him back, making him pull you into a deeper kiss. He soon caresses your cheeks with both hands. Taehyung became angry and pulls him off you.
“What do you think you’re doing?.”, he glared at J-hope. “Kissing my girl, you have a problem with that?”, he said pushing V off him. “You wish.”, V punched him. “What the heck, dude?”, Jimin pulled V away. J-Hope licks over his lip and soon smirks, as his eyes darkens. “Jimin, move.”, J-hope warned him getting closer.
“I would listen if I were you”, Yoongi glances at Jimin. J-hope starts punching V, until he starts bleeding. “J-hope, stop. You are going to kill him.”, you start crying, as you hug him from behind. “You are lucky that she still cares about you, you damn bastard.”, he turns to you helping you stand before he stands up.
Minah soon enters the classroom and sees V on the floor. She starts screaming and runs up to him. “Here comes the drama queen.”, Yoongi stated rolling his eyes. “What did you do to him??”, she said crying. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”, J-hope looks down at her.

She soon helps him up and takes him to infirmary. “Do you still have feelings for her?”, she said as she treats his wounds. “Don’t talk to me, you two-faced shit. This is all your damn fault. If it weren’t for you, we would still be together.”, he said pushing her away. “Don’t you dare touching me again.”, he glares at her.
~V's POV~

“You should be grateful, that I am always by your side and there for you.”, she smiles innocently. “Pfft, you wish. You are the one that keeps making things go wrong.”, I say angrily.

“Don’t forget what you promised me, Babyboy. You stay with me and love me and I will let that Y/N of yours live.”, she smirks. “Don’t you dare to betray me, my love.”, she says throwing alc over his wound, until she sees him in pain.

~Your POV~

"Baby, we will be going on a date after school. Just the two of us, how does that sound to you?", J-hope looks to you. "Sure, let's do that. Perfect, wear something green, okay?", he smiled. "Will do, hobi", you smiled and admire his features. You never noticed, that he was THIS stunning.

(I could admire him the whole damn day T.T)

"Is something, darling?", he said in a deeper voice. You cleared your throat. "No, I'm okay", you blushed and look away.

~At the evening~

"You look stunning, my beautiful angel. Just like the goddess that you are.", he smiles admiring you. "Says you, your beauty is blinding me, I will need my sunglasses", you said making him chuckle at your cuteness.

"Shall we, darling?", he holds out his arm for you to wrap yours around.

"Shall we, darling?", he holds out his arm for you to wrap yours around

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Jhope bought the dress for you as a surprise.

Jhope bought the dress for you as a surprise

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What he is wearing.

Both of you soon head out on your date to a fancy restaurant, which Jhopr rented out for the night. "Eat all you want, beautiful", he smiles at you.

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