chapter seven

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chapter seven. 

Bonnie woke with a yawn, stretching her cotton-covered arms into the air as she stretched her back. The herbs the young boy, who she called Harry, put on her had healed her completely almost a week ago. They had gotten to know each other a lot better since then, so she moved from the couch to one of the spare rooms in his home.

For three days, she sat there thinking of everyone she knew that had the initials H.M. Still, she couldn't think of anyone. Not bothersome her, since he refused to tell her his real name, she made one up for him.


"Bonnie!" She heard him sing from the kitchen. She smiled and slipped on a pair of socks she had gotten from the store not too far from here. "Breakfast, darling."

Her breakfast was the same each morning. A couple of slices of rye bread, avocadoes, pancakes with no butter, and a glass of cold ice water. Since Harry was a vegan, most regular foods, like butter, were off-limits. "Hmm, you know I can eat something else, right? The store has endless possibilities."

"I'm aware, but I intend to feed you something that will hold you since you reject the need to eat lunch," Harry chuckled to himself. "And your constant begging to survive off of frozen foods in the freezer does not do my amazing pancakes justice."

Bonnie rolled her eyes and took the plate off the counter. She slid the drawer open and took out a fork before stabbing it through one of her pancakes. "You know what would do these life-changing pancakes justice?" Harry hummed and Bonnie threw her middle finger up sarcastically behind his back. "Some butter."

"I saw that, love," Harry mumbled from his cooking station. He had a recipe book in front of him with directions to make vegan-friendly pancakes. It had small hints and substitutes at the bottom in case you didn't have one of the ingredients named above. He closed the book and took his bowl of berries and sat beside her.

"Any plans for today?" She asked, drowning the flavorless pancakes in syrup she had gotten from the store behind Harry's back.

He nodded. "I need to pick up some things from the market," He replied, plopping a particularly large strawberry in his mouth. "We've got a little low on bottled water, so I should gather some before we completely run out. I was hoping you would want to come with me?"

"Of course," Bonnie smiled. Since her body healed, she found it boring to stay in the house and found joy in joining Harry with anything he was doing. Yesterday, he taught her how to identify and make mixtures with different magical herbs.

"Alright, then," He nodded. "After we finish breakfast, we'll head on out."

Bonnie smiled and took another bite of her bread.


The two friends walked to down the sidewalk with ease. Well, Bonnie did at the very least. Harry was upset because of all the time they spent at the deserted mall picking out shoes, Bonnie opted out of wearing any on their journey to the market. "You're going to catch a cold."

"It's warm out, Harry. Calm down," She joked. She could feel the sun's heat on her arms as she swung them back and forth. There wasn't anything she had to get out of the store, so she didn't have to go in. In her mind, there wasn't any need for shoes. She could simply wait outside and not see anyone. Suddenly, three birds flew over their heads and landed on the tall pole a couple of feet away from the duo. "Those birds are beautiful. I wish I knew what they were."

"They're starlings," Harry answered. "My mother," He paused before he smiled and carried on. "My mother used those to summon my siblings and me when we were outside playing."

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