Chapter 8

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Just then, I heard a series of loud noises from the room directly across from mine, which I remembered happened to belong to none other than Shoto Todoroki. The walls were very thin for a prestigious school such as US. Even from across the hall, I could hear bangs, grunts, and muffled cries coming from within Todoroki's room.

The sound of squeaky door hinges filled my ears, followed by a door slamming shut. I gave it a minute before I decided to walk outside my room to follow Todoroki. I felt extremely bad for having caused whatever that was.

In all honestly, I don't know why I was so nosey about Todoroki's private business. My best guess would be that I wanted him to trust me with private things like past trauma. It angered me to know that someone I liked so much didn't trust me, so I crossed boundaries that I shouldn't have, barely considering how it would make him feel.

When I finally realized how stupid I was being, it was too late. I had sent Todoroki into somewhat of a panic. Knowing that hurt way more than not having his trust. It caused Todoroki to react this way. I felt like I owed it to him to comfort him when he could use it, even if he didn't know it was me that caused his freakout.

Todoroki was sitting on the common room couch, motionless. If I hadn't witnessed him walking here, I probably would've thought he was dead. Todoroki's back was facing me, so he didn't notice when I went downstairs after him. I walked past him to the kitchen, warming up a cup of milk in the microwave to give to him.

With a lukewarm cup in hand, I ambled back to Todoroki. I was only a few feet away from him, yet he didn't seem to notice me. I took this as my chance to get a good look at the boy. Saying he looked like Hell would be putting it lightly. He had small cuts, barely deep enough to draw blood, lining both of his arms, as if he got in a fight with a kitten. Todoroki's burn had three bad looking scratches trailing down his scar, stopping right before reaching his neck. The scar tissue around his eye had been reopened, causing it to bleed. His eyes were dull, lifeless, like his soul had left his body.

"Holy shit," I mumbled without thinking as the words left my mouth.

Todoroki's head whipped around to face me, an expression of shock on his face. It was probably the first time I'd seen his expression change from its usual monotone one. It was kinda amazing. Todoroki noticed his slip up immediately. He put his emotionless mask back on before speaking to me.

"Shinsou, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I heard some loud sounds coming from your room. I came to see what was up," I responded. It was mostly the truth but I left out the part where I triggered whatever this was.

"Oh. Thanks, but I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. I made you a cup of warm milk. I won't ask what happened, but I at least want to treat your wounds," I told the heterochromic boy in front of me.

Todoroki nodded his head softly, taking the milk from my hand. I left to get some bandages and cleaning supplies for his wounds while he sipped on his drink. I was curious about what exactly went down, but I learned better than to bother him about it earlier that night. I'd listen if he told me, but I won't ask. I've already done enough to hurt him as it is.

I returned to the common room couch to see Todoroki finishing his milk. I sat beside him silently, holding out the supplies in my hands. He seemed to understand. Todoroki held out his arms for me to take care of.

The two of us sat in silence for a while, silently treating his arms and left eye. That was until Todoroki said, "I feel like I owe you an explanation."

Immediately, I snapped back with, "You don't owe me anything. I won't stop you if you wanna tell me what happened, though."

"Oh, okay," Todoroki trailed off, pausing for a minute before deciding he wanted to explain what happened, "A few days ago, my Mother tried to killer herself. I was the one who found her body."

I stared at Todoroki in complete shock. My guilt crept through my entire body, screaming at me for reminding him if something like that, screaming at me for making him relive the moment he saw his Mother's lifeless body.

"She survived, luckily, but it still really sucks to think about. A friend of mine reminded me of the event on accident. I had somewhat of a mental breakdown, hence the noises and my appearance," Todoroki finished his story.

I was at a loss of words. What is one supposed to say at a time like this? I can't tell him I'm sorry, that's too basic. Nothing I could think of dared to pass my lips. None of it felt right.

"If you want, you can spend the night in my room. I have a kotatsu and a cat," I finally decided on saying. Kotatsu tables are known to be quite relaxing, and well, cats are cats.

Todoroki's eyes momentarily lit up. I stored it in my memories as the second time I've seen him emote.

"That sounds great. I'd love to, if it's not too much trouble," my friend said with small traces of excitement etched in his voice.

"Nah, it's fine. We have school tomorrow, so we should go now if we're gonna."

"You're right," Todoroki replied, standing up from his place on the couch.

I led the boy to my room. He immediately sat under the kotatsu next to Fluffy Bean Cat. The feline jerked its head at the feeling of Todoroki scratching her head. Once she realized what was going on, the derpy bundle of fur put her head down, purring as Todoroki gave her affection. My heart squeezed at the cute scene before me.

"Um, sorry for making myself at home like this. I got a little excited," my guest stumbled over his words.

"It's fine. Glad you were able to get comfortable so quickly. You can sleep under the kotatsu if you wanna," I laughed.

Todoroki thanked me. I handed him a pillow from my bed. He laid under the pineapple patterned kotatsu, holding Fluffy Bean Cat closely. He fell asleep quicker than I would've expected him to.

I looked at the boy, who was snoring softly, admiring his features. He was really beautiful. I've always known he was attractive, but now I could see every detail. With his long eyelashes, soft lips, and peaceful sleeping face, he looked like an angel.

I took out my phone from where it had previously been charging. I was positive my cat was judging me as I took a picture of my sleeping crush in a totally not creepy way. After setting the photo as my wallpaper, I laid down in my bed. Soon enough, I began drifting off to the land of sleep.

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