part 2

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Thyme went to his room and slammed the door, the broken bolt clattering to the floor yet again. He sighed as he picked it up and tossed it onto the side table. His room was no longer his room. It belonged to Gorya, of course, but it also was consistently invaded by others. Right now, he needed space from Gorya, and he had nowhere else to go.


Gorya decided to vacuum the second floor, as it was only going to get hotter and this was probably the most exhausting chore of them all. As the heat rose, and Gorya started to sweat, her maid uniform became more and more unbearable. Her pantyhose started to cling to her legs as she pushed and pulled the vacuum up and down the hallway. The faster she finished her chores, the sooner she could get out of there and out of her uniform.

Feeling a perk in her step, she backed up faster, getting the last little area vacuumed up, up, until--

Gorya’s backside pushed against Thyme who was secretly watching in the corner of the hallway. Thyme instinctively grabbed Gorya’s waist, holding her there against his crotch, the vacuum still vrooming noisily.

For a second, Gorya froze, feeling like Thyme was holding her for some valiant reason, but she quickly realized a third appendage poking at her behind. Before she could react, Thyme pushed her away, rather violently, and sulked back into his room.

Gorya tumbled to the floor, burning her knees on the carpet. After shutting off the vacuum, she sat there, blowing on her scuffed knees and wondering what came over him. It wasn’t unusual for him to be awkward, tense, and somewhat violent, but this felt different.

After a while, Gorya knocked on Thyme’s door.

“What do you want?” he responded with little emotion.

“Are you okay if I come in to clean? This is the last room other than the lower bathrooms, and those are much easier to finish…”

“Why don’t you just take the day off?” Thyme responded, annoyed.

“I… I’m already here.”

“Well maybe you should leave. Surely you have better stuff to do.”

Gorya paused, not knowing how to respond. After a moment, she opened his door.

Thyme sat on his bed, partially under the covers, arms crossed. He gave her a frown as she entered but looked away quickly.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, walking closer to his bed.

“Nothing, I… you… it’s just annoying, okay?” he said as he got up and walked awkwardly towards Gorya.

“What is?” she said, looking up at him. Thyme’s eyes narrowed as he traced the lines of her body with his gaze.

“You… you’re… infuriating,” he said, not concerned that she was watching as he checked her out so aggressively. Thyme’s breathing grew deeper and more deliberate.

“Me?” Gorya answered, suddenly feeling exposed. Thyme was an animal waiting to pounce, but she wasn’t afraid.

“Thyme,” she said with a calm voice, “how about you get back into bed and I get you some cold water, and then I can finish my chores and leave you alone for the rest of the day. Sounds good?”

Thyme breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth, knowing that Gorya was completely ignorant of how much she was teasing him. But rather than pitch a fit, Thyme did as she said and got back into his bed, covering his growing erection with the covers, even though it was getting hotter by the second.


Thyme watched as Gorya vacuumed his room, wiped the tables, dusted the lamps, and put away his clothes. Every once in a while, she’d wipe her brow or tug at her skit. She was clearly, uncomfortably hot. It wasn’t until she reached into the back of his closet that he sprung off of his bed and ran towards her.

Gorya gasped as Thyme pushed her against the wall, this time physically trapping her between his strong arms. His breath was fast and heavy.

“You weren’t supposed to see that,” he said in a raspy voice.

Gorya tilted her head slightly.

“The shirt you were wearing when I kicked you? I saw it the other day. You never washed it?”

Thyme leaned into Gorya slowly, deliberately, wanting to savor this moment. Gorya let out a smaller, weaker gasp just as he pushed his lips against hers. Gorya melted into him as his whole body pressed into her’s. Both of them were hot and sweaty from the lack of A/C, but they were also both desperate to do this very thing.

Gorya pushed Thyme away and gasped again.

“It’s - hot. Thyme. I need to change. These pantihose are the worst.”

Thyme hesitated and looked her up and down.

“Okay. I’m not stopped you,” he said.

Gorya smiled slightly and then went to move, but Thyme put out a hand to stop her.

“Oh, no. You can change… right here.”

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