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This is how I imagine my characters. Though you can imagine them however you want.

Odysseus: Ow•di•see•uhs
king of Belvedere
Means the Greek king of Ithaca

Odysseus: Ow•di•see•uhsking of BelvedereMeans the Greek king of Ithaca

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Devika: Duh•vee•kuh 
Princes of Belvedere
Means Little goddess

Cordelia: Core•deel •ee• aCaptain of the sea rose Means Heart and daughter of the sea

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Cordelia: Core•deel •ee• a
Captain of the sea rose
Means Heart and daughter of the sea

Cordelia: Core•deel •ee• aCaptain of the sea rose Means Heart and daughter of the sea

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Morana: Mor•ana
Cordelia's first mate, thief controls shadows
Means Death;winter

Morana: Mor•ana Cordelia's first mate, thief controls shadowsMeans Death;winter

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The Sea Rose and its PrincesWhere stories live. Discover now