[ 003 ] break the cycle.

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chapter three, break the cycle.
[ season five, episode two ]

ODESSA IS GRATEFUL TO be reunited with her family. But she wants Beth to be with them. She misses her. It physically hurt. She feels selfish about the fact she wants Beth to be with them. She thinks it was unfair for Maggie to be reunite to Glenn but Odessa can't get her reunion with her girlfriend.

Her brother is alive, her sister is alive, her father is alive, her best friend is alive. And according the Daryl, so is Beth. But they can't the too sure.

They've been walking since they left Terminus, they only stopped when night draped over them. Odessa sits between Theo and Carl. Carl holds a sleeping Judith to his chest.

The oldest Grimes child has her brass knuckles on her hands. She examines them. The blood from the Terminus guy still stains the gold color.

She doesn't want to think about it. She knows the people from Terminus weren't people. They were monsters just like the walkers were. They ate people. They lured them to their home with the promise of sanctuary then they took their stuff and locked them in train cars. Fed them nothing but powdered milk. Then they would bleed them and the meat of their bones.

But guilt gnaws at her heart. Her mind tells her it's okay to kill someone who would've killed her but her heart— it screams at her. It is angry.

That was her thirteenth kill. And not one was without reason. Every single person she's killed was to protect herself and her people. But the guilt of it was killing her.

"Des?" Carl asks. She snaps out of her trance and looks to her little brother. "You okay?"

"Yeah," she shakes her head. "Just glad to be back with all y'all."

Carl nods but Odessa can see the unsureness in his eyes. She clenches her jaw and turns back to look at her brass knuckles. Carl's eyes move to them as well. He remembers Odessa telling him about what she did to Randall after Dale died.

He didn't fear her then. He could never be scared of Odessa because he knew she would never hurt him or do anything to cause him harm.

But right now as she stares at her brass knuckles he feels a weariness he'd never felt towards her.

She glances back at him and sees the look in his eyes. She takes them off and shoves them in her pockets. "I did what I had to." She says to him.

"I know." Carl states. "I know."

The next morning, they are up and moving at first light. Odessa walks in front of one of the new people. Her name is Rosita. Odessa likes her. She seems nice.

Suddenly, a twig snaps. Everyone raises their weapons but lower them when Daryl Dixon steps out of the woods. He looks at them before he raises his arms and squirrels. "We surrender."

As they walk, Odessa looks back at Rosita. "So, Eugene knows a cure?"

She nods, "yeah."

"Y'all gonna peel off eventually? Head to D.C?" She questions. Rosita glances at her sideways.

"You ask a lot of questions," Rosita states.

Odessa shrugs. "Just curious. It just seems too good to be true."

"Hey," a voice says. Odessa glances to Abraham. "He's gone cure it and we're gonna get the world back to normal."

"Even of there really was a cure, the world would never go back to the way it was. Too many people have died. We've lost too many people." She says. Every single one of them has lost someone. More than one person. It is a never ending cycle. To light the dark mood she created, Odessa asks, "besides, do you really wanna go back to paying taxes again?"

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