like a raspberry

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When Naruto dropped Manaka off at her apartment, he didn't expect her to show up at his door forty five minutes later, all drained and paler than usual.

As a matter of fact, it took her some time to locate his address, considering it was already nighttime and the darkness made it hard to see. Nevertheless, when her eyes caught sight of a building with sage paint standing out unlike the rest of the houses in the neighborhood, she instantly remembered Naruto mentioning his apartment had green spindles surrounding the exterior walls. For that reason, it dawned on her that the place indeed belonged to him. Therefore, she forced herself up the stairs and rang the doorbell, soon confronting a puzzled blond-headed teen with his brows deeply squeezed together.

"Hey, what are you doing here? I thought we were meeting up at 7?" he stated the obvious.

She locked gazes with him and uttered begrudgingly. "Something happened to me."

Naruto's body instantly jerked from the lifeless tone of hers, prompting him to drag her inside and lock the door behind him. With his brows remaining pinched, he rested his palm against her shoulders, unaware of his grip instinctually tightening against her porcelain skin. "Was it the Akatsuki?! Did they hurt you? Did the masked man force you to fight against your will?! Wait, how did you even escape their-?!"

"Naruto, I'm fine!" She brushed his arms off of her and released a tired sigh. "It's not because of the's something else."

The jinchuruki holder slowly drew back, straightening to his full height, his tensed expression moreover letting loose. "Then what is it?"

Manaka gulped, partially struggling to reveal the reasoning behind her impulsive appearance. The topic was slightly far-fetched- oh, who was she kidding? It all screamed bizarre! Wherefore, describing to the boy what occurred to her momentarily ago sounded a tad delusory. Would he still think she was in the right set of mind if she were to tell him?

Mustering every ounce of courage within her body to inform, she ignores her stirred stomach and eventually spills the truth, "A woman appeared in my mirror."

In the brief silence that ensued, Naruto allowed her unexpected affirmation to sink in before he wrapped his arms around his stomach and bursted out into fits of giggles. "Pfftttt! You've gotta be kidding! You came all the way here to mess with me? Ha! Very funny!"

His reaction caused her to stomp her foot. She formed two clenched fists by her sides. "I'm being dead serious! That was the second time she shows up out of nowhere!"

He rolled his eyes, quipping. "Oh really? When was the first?"

She couldn't help but wince, demure enveloping her composure. She clenched her teeth, eyelids slightly squinting. " my dreams?"

That caused him to chuckle even more.

"Naruto I'm not lying! There's something about her that I can't pinpoint out. She looked exactly like me, although older, and she seemed really troubled." Manaka's ferocious mask fell as she recalled how the woman's figure was trembling. "I think it has something to do with me. I don't know how to explain it, but for some reason, I felt a strong gush of energy sear inside of me when she suddenly made an appearance."

"HAHAHAHA- wait what?" His laughter abruptly halted and a look of puzzlement face situated upon his features. "You said you felt a strong gush of energy?"

She nodded hesitantly. "Y-Yeah. It depleted my health all of a sudden. Should I be concerned?"

He bemused. "I'm not quite sure. However, when us ninjas manipulate Chakra, we often feel a certain tingling feeling surge through our body, similar to what you just said."

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