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Was Leo avoiding Emilio?


Why might you ask? It's quite simple really. Leo couldn't face Em after his revelation on Saturday afternoon. Revealing to Emilio that Marco had left the bruises that lingered on his nape triggered memories that Leo couldn't relive.

So when it came to fight or flight, Leo opted for the latter.

Of course he couldn't avoid Emilio forever, not that he'd ever want to. After essentially kicking Emilio out mere-minutes after his confession, it was easy to avoid the grey eyed boy the next day, given it was Sunday.

But alas Leo's magical bubble of avoidance was about to burst. Monday had came sooner than he'd hoped, and now he'd have to sit through seven hours of Em's stormy gaze.

How fun.

Surprisingly to Leo, none of his siblings questioned him further regarding the bruises on his skin. Which in itself was truly shocking, did they really think Leo could hurt Emilio, and vice versa?

They'd been besties for years. Besties, gosh Leo mentally gagged at that. He'd been picking up pieces of Emilio's vocabulary too much lately.

As Alex's car pulled into the car park, Leo heaved a heavy breath. There was no escaping Emilio now. Pulling up his big boy pants, Leo gripped the handle exiting Alex' vehicle as slowly as he could. Literally, no joke, a snail would probably be quicker than him at this rate.

Stop being a pussy, tell Em the truth.

It's safe to say, his one to one pep talk did absolutely nothing to boost Leo's spirit.

"You good?" Alex asked, an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips as he leant against his car, one leg propped against the closed drivers side door.

"Mhm." Leo hummed. He was good, peachy even. Note the sarcasm. "M'nervous."

"How come?" Alex brought the lighter up, flicking his thumb to draw flames, he lit the tip, inhaling the very same smoke that Leo currently craved.

"Things with Em are a bit... rocky." Leo admitted. Depending on how this much needed chat went; things could be much worse than just rocky. Fidgeting with the end of his school branded sweater, he looked at Alex and asked. "Can I have one of those?" Nodding his head towards Alex's cigarette.

Alex raised an eyebrow at his younger brothers request. Since when did Leo smoke? And more importantly, why hadn't Alex noticed?

"You smoke?"

"Sometimes." Constantly.

"Does Zac know?"

"Does Zac know you smoke?" Leo countered with a light smirk, already knowing the answer.

"Touché." Alex shook his head with a smirk of his own. What a smug little shit.

The smirk slowly fell from Alex's lips, knowing that this was one of the longest conversations he'd had with Leo for a while, it brought a wave of sadness over the brunette. God how he wished for things to be different, he shouldn't be excited over the fact his fifteen year old brother was asking him for a cigarette. Though Alex's slight feeling of excitement didn't mean he was simply going to stand by and watch as his brother picked up the same nasty habit he had. Not a chance.

"No, you can't."

Leo's shoulders sagged in defeat. He could always ask Marco... na.

Trying his luck, Leo mustered his best puppy-dog-eyes, tilting his chin, he stared up at Alex with a pout. "Please?"

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