Chapter One: The Awakening

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Izuku's Pov:

I woke up to a dimmly lit room with only a straw bed and old shelf in the corner. No color, no personal items, no space, and no safety.
I crawled out of bed at a slow and steady pace to, hopefully, not wake Inko from her all too suspicious sleep.
And I was right, it was suspicious. Because when I finished getting dressed and headed upstairs, Inko was sitting at the kitchen table with a knife, staring at the stairs that lead to the basement, right where I came from.
When she saw me, her blank face morphed into one of pure hatred, she shouted, "BRAT! You really thought I wouldn't find out?!"
A look and feeling of pure terror washed over my whole being. Did she find out?! I thought.
She marched towards me grabbed me by my hair. She roughly brought her knee to my face, a crack sounding throughout the house.
She started spewing insults as she let me go and walked back with a whip. Everytime the whip came down, a scream echoed throughout the neighborhood.
After a few minutes, I started seeing black spots. Then, as if on que, Inko brought her knife down to my back, where the whip marks were, and carved the whipped flesh off my back.
I started screaming like I was dying. She would do plenty of terrible things to me, but she would never carve out my flesh, skin, and bones.
My screams must have echoed throughout the neighborhood, because the next second, All Might comes busting through the door.
When I saw him, relief flooded my whole being. But it was completely destroyed by Inko's cursing at All Might.
"What the hell!!! What are you doing here!?" Inko cried.
"Ma'm! Let the boy go." All Might demanded.
I faintly heard police sirens outside the house, but it was quickly drowned out with my screaming. Inko had shoved a knife into my shoulder blade and was slowly twisting it.
The raw and excruciating pain coursing throughout my body brought up another scream; a scream so loud, so terrible, so unexplainably horrific, that it caused another pro hero to burst in, standing next to All Might.
"You quirkless piece of shit! Shut your damn mouth!" Inko started screaming and yelling curses.
She yanked the blade from my body and held it to my back, right where my heart is.
The heroes kept talking and yelling at Inko to stop, but I couldn't make out the rest and Inko's final declaration ring in my ears.
"If I'm going to prison, then I'm sending you to hell first!" Inko screamed.
From my blurry eyes, I saw All Might and Erasure head (I had finally recognized him) start storming, yelling 'no', and screaming for Inko to stop as they rushed to me, trying to prevent what was happening.
Then their faces turned destrought, and I realized why when I felt the knife, blade, the item that Inko has tormented me with since I was four, the tool that I've always known would kill me one day, and by Inko's hand too, pierced my back and through my heart.
I couldn't remember what happened, but a few moments later: I was outside as Inko was put in cuffs by Eraserhead, All Might was holding me while a nurse shakes her head, and the bakugo family was staring at everything, confusion and horror plastered on their faces.
I've always known I would die young. I've been on the brink of death so many times in the last four years, I lost count at age seven.
But looking up at this hero, the hero that I've idolized since it could even think, and see him crying tears of grief, tears for the fact that he couldn't save me when I was right in front of him, I can't held but feel sad. Knowing that if I survive, if I tried, then I may be able to do it: be a hero.
I can see it in his eyes, All Might wants me to survive, to live. How can I be a hero if I give up? A hero never gives up.
I felt a power within me grow, one I knew, know that isn't possible. I feel it growing, manifesting into pure energy. Untill it lights up my whole being.
All the despair, fear, loneliness, betrayal, grief, sadness, terror, and heartache slowly dissipate into nothing; I feel something else take it's place.
I know what it should be: hate. Pure unadulterated hate. Hate towards Inko for abusing me, hate towards Hisashi for abandoning me, and hate towards the heroes for failing to save me sooner.
But I'm glad it's not. It's determination, pride, independence, joy, happiness, appreciation, dignity, and fulfilment. Each filling me up with pure light, a light to snuff out the darkness that has plauged me since I was four to now, at eight years old.
The light is warm, driving out the cold.
But even warmth can't drive away pain. I feel the pain reaching up into my mind, fogging up my resolve and determination to survive.
I reach out to the light, the energy that heals my broken mind and soul, and will it to heal my body?
What would be the point in healing my mind and soul if I just die!?
I feel the energy again, and instead of just feeling it, I pull at it. I draw from it, pouring it into my body, my arms, legs, feet, hands, stomach, and finally my back.
Relief washes over me, I feel the fogginess exit my mind, the ache and pain leave my body, but the trauma placed on my soul is still there.
The fear still lingers in the back of my mind. The moment I feel okay to move, I bolt upright and move from away from everyone. The look on their faces moves from shock to bewilderment and hope.
But then, just as I was about to run into All Might's arms, a huge explosion sounded and a man in a black suit came out.
I was quickly rushed away from the main battle but was still able to see everything. Just as All Might was about to win, the man struck his stomach, a fatal wound.
I screamed out and fought the people restraining me untill I was running to All Might as he fell down. I heard the man's laugh as I started to cry. Just as I thought All Might would die, an idea came to mind.
I frantically search within myself for that power, the light that healed me.
Once I grasp it, I look to the wound and cover his stomach in my light.
If I can spread it across my body, I should be able to spread it in his too!
Thankfully, it works and All Might gets back up. But just he's about to rush me back away from the fight, the man grabs me by the neck and yanks me out of All Might's grasp.
He says, "wow, All Might, you found yourself quite the healer. Don't mind if I take their quirk though."
I faintly hear All Might start yelling as the man turns me around and places his hand on my face.
But I don't feel anything, nothing leaves me, the warmth, light, and energy stay.
I see the man start to get angry and curse, there's only one sentence that I hear before everything blacks out.
"Well All Might, since you like this boy so much, how about I kill him," and then he snaps my neck.

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