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E P I S O D E  1 0 [√]p a g e  t e n  :  C O C O N U T  T R I O

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E P I S O D E  1 0 [√]
p a g e  t e n  :  C O C O N U T  T R I O

as much as he wants to spend his saturday in his room, sleeping in and crying like how he spent his wednesday, thursday, and friday before and after school — he didn't.

no matter how heavy his heart is as he proceeds to start through his day, he wanted to at least show himself that he's not affected — even though doing that is damaging him.

takemichi was sitting on the sofa that was facing the tv screen, a basket of dried clothes next to his feet as he used the coffee table to fold his and chiyo's clothes. he's home alone. and everyone loves being home alone. everyone gets to have the house all to themselves.

chiyo has work from 9 am to 10 pm. she didn't leave any type of note regarding to the things to do around the house. not like she has to, knowing how responsible takemichi is when it comes to house chores. it was just a basic thing to fold the clothes after letting it dry outside.

one of his favorite tv show is on. takemichi was too soaked up that he didn't hear the single notification bell that had rang off his phone and was completely drowned into the noises produced by the tv and the throw pillow that was over it.

just then, his phone rang loudly and continuously, immediately peeling takemichi away from his concentration on the show. he set aside the clothes that were on his lap and took his mobile from under the throw pillow next to him.

it was an unknown number.

"who's this?" takemichi mumbles to himself, tapping the red button to the decline the phone call. a message popped up right after that. he hummed questioningly as he tapped the notification, which led to the messaging app almost instantly.

+81 3 8904 6735

( hello. )
( tita chiyo gave me your number. )

takemichi felt his heart stop for a second. the user knows who his grandmother is.

another message popped up. shit. he almost forgot that once he view the message, the user would know that he have seen the message.

+81 3 8904 6735

( we're on our way. i'm really sorry kung ngayon lang ako nakapag text. ) i'm really sorry for texting just now.

( hi )
( but who is this? )

takemichi unconsciously started to bite his fingernail.

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