ଓ₊˚ 🌸・ Under the Sakura Tree,, <3 [Modern au]

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The two girls walked to school together, hand in hand, while amusing each other with some random topic. "Junooo, I need help with these laces, seriously," Juno's cousin Yasu said, "Ugh fine, one second Sae," the dark haired girl said before tending to her cousin's shoes.

"Done, happy?" "Very." Replied her cousin as he ran inside his school to meet his friends.

"Have you heard, there are cherry blossom trees in bloom!" said Saeri as she fiddled with her caramel locks. "Yeah, aunty Keiko told me, if we're not busy we could go find one while Yasu's in school," Juno replied, Saeri nodded and responded with some random words while watching Juno silently, being admired by her beauty. Juno shrugged it off and the two continued on venturing, heading towards a park near where they live.

Saeri smiled at Juno, Juno returning the expression, they held hands and stayed close, not too close for people to get the wrong idea though. It had been hours as they'd taken pit stops halfway through the park every now and then and they finally arrived. The tree was really tall and beautiful. The leaves flowing against the wind, a soft pinkish shade as well. Saeri's eyes widened in excitement, it hadn't been everyday she saw a tree like this in bloom. Juno watched from beside her, her cheeks going a rosie red from Saeri's little cute expressions.

The girls found a nice spot to sit underneath the tree, Juno went on rambling about something to Saeri.

Saeri vividly listened, smiling and nodding every now and then as she usually does while admiring the others beauty. Juno didn't notice and continued, some of the flowers from the tree falling into her hair, every once in a while the other girl would pick out a flower or two from her hair. The darker hair girl loved seeing Saeri reach over for her. It brought her a feeling of peace in a way. "Do you like anyone?" questioned Juno, Saeri sat there in silence not paying attention. The girl repeated herself before losing her bottled up temper onto the other. She snapped her fingers to get Saeri's attention.

"Are you even listening to me???" Juno said angered as she went on, "Huh, yeah sorry, of course I am!!" Saeri responded. "No you're not all your doing is looking god knows where while I'm trying to talk to you."

"Juju, it's not like that I promise, I love listening to you," "You're not acting like it" Juno snapped. Saeri crossed her arms in annoyance and rolled her eyes, "I don't know what you want me to tell you Juno but I was listening."  The darker haired girl stood there, upset as some of the blossoms from the tree fell on the two. Saeri shook her head trying to get the blossoms out of her hair before reaching out to her friend.

Juno stepped back as she did and pushed her away.

Juno always had anger issues and her friend Saeri knew that, but it got a bit annoying. "Look, I'm listening now, Juno. Happy??" "Like hell you are" she said before walking away out of anger. Her dearest friend sighed and got up, heading to Yasu's school to pick him up for Juno.

"Hi Saeri" Yasu said while waving a goodbye to his friends, "Hi Yasu, I know this may seem really out of the blue but I need help."

The boy raised a brow then nodded, letting her continue, "So you know how I've known Juno for like, forever now, I was wondering if you could do me a favor!!" "Go on," replied Yasu.  "If I were to say, I had the tiniest cru-" Yasu had interrupted the girl before she could finish with his laughter. "A tiny crush?? Saeri, both you and I know that it's no way a tiny crush. The way you get lost in her" Yasu coughed a dramatic cough before continuing, "in her gorgeous dark midnight eyes" he said as he batted his lashes.

The elder girl had turned red and looking away, Yasu continued with his laughter, once he eventually stopped he let her continue without any interruptions this time. "Okay maybe it isn't the tiniest. But you get the point, I really do like like your cousin!!"

Jaeri (Juno x Saeri) one shots!!&lt;33Where stories live. Discover now