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The teenagers clanked their drinks together.

It was about a week after the All Valley and the kids were out celebrating Eli's win. It was Eli, Nicole, Courtney, Demetri, Sam, Mitch, Chris, Mary, Moon, and Jackson.

Eli wanted to keep it small, but Courtney planned it, so she went all out.

He wanted Miguel there, but Miguel was nowhere to be found snd Sam was still upset about losing and wasn't up to going out with them.

He was also annoyed about Jackson being there, but Nicole insisted that he let the whole thing go, especially considering Moon was with Jackson now.

"Nicole has a little speech." Courtney said.

"What? Why?" Eli asked.

"Because I'm your girlfriend." Nicole replied.


"Oh, and Demetri and I prepared a speech after too." Courtney added.

Eli groaned and tilted his head back.

"What? We're your best friends!" Demetri exclaimed.

"So you will sit there and listen like a good boy."

Chris and Mitch snickered at that.

"You're not my mother."

"Well, someone needs to be."

Everyone at the table gasped.

"Do not disrespect my future mother-in-law like that!" Nicole scolded.

Everyone went quiet and Eli stared at Nicole.


"Well it's not like I'm ever leaving you for someone else."

"Yeah. Me either."

"Aw." Moon cooed.


"Can we get on with the speeches?" Demetri asked.

"Right, sorry. Okay. Eli Moskowitz. You are a champion. Even if you didn't win that trophy, you are still a champion in my eyes. Sure, we've had are highs and lows and those lows have certainly been low, but there is not a human on this planet I love more than you. You deserved to win this more than anything both because you're a great fighter and because it proves how confident and amazing you really are, though, like I said, you don't need a trophy to prove this. I'm so lucky to have you in my life and as my boyfriend and I love you so much."

Eli laughed and shook his head. Everyone clapped and Courtney wiped tears from her eyes.

"You're crying?" Demetri asked.

"That was cute, okay?" Courtney defended.

Eli leaned in and kissed her, both smiling into the kiss.

They pulled away and all of their friends clapped again.

Courtney and Demetri began their speech. Of course, they kept interrupting each other, but overall, it was funny and cute.

They ended their celebration with some more laughs and cake.

"This celebration could not have been more perfect. I wish Miguel was here, but it was amazing. Thank you." Eli thanked Nicole.

"Don't thank her thank me!" Courtney exclaimed.

They laughed again and the couple shared one final kiss.

I thought this was a cute way to end the season. I'm so sad I have to wait to write this book until season five, but I had so much fun writing season four and I hope you all will continue this journey with me!

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