"Inmate" - Sam x Punz

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another one!? hell yeahhhhhhhhh

ship: Sunz (Sam x Punz)

top: Sam

bottom: Punz

AU: Prison/mafia

Sam is the prison Guard and Punz is the inmate. Prisoners these days =_=

Sam POV:

Another day of patrol. If you think I just walk around one area of the prison once or twice, you're wrong. At least, my patrol isn't like that. I go to the maximum security, but with maximum security each guard gets one to four cells depending on the type of prisoner. I am lucky but also unlucky, lucky because I only got one prisoner but unlucky for it being... Punz. If you don't know, Punz is one of the most dangerous criminals in Luthaburg, working for the DSMP clan. But he betrayed their leader when they got into prison. Well, that backfired on him because now he is in here and the rest of his clan are roaming the streets like they own the damn place. I am put with Punz as I am the most responsible maximum security guard, with every other guard not even noticing he has just run for the closest exit.

Punz POV:

The sooner I can get out of this shithole, the sooner I can get my weapon back and roam the streets again. But my boss isn't gonna be very happy with me. I sacrificed my life to get them out of prison, just to get stuck myself.

"Hey, when will Sam get here?"
"In a bit, just be patient."

Nitwit. Sam was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, to replace this dickhead who was supposed to leave for lunch break or whatever the time was. Sam is the only guard that knows what he is doing, and he doesn't look too bad. He's built well, tall, handsome- am I falling for a guard? Yes. Am I embarrassed? Not one bit. I would love that man to pin me against anything and just-

"I'm here, sorry I'm a bit late. You're free to go Liam."
"Sammmm! You're finally here!"
"Inmate, you stay quiet."
"Aw, not even a hello?"
"Fine, suit yourself."

He's always like this, never talking. Or only just a little bit, probably because he would lose his job talking to me. But who am I to care? I get to watch him for 6 hours straight! (e/n 6 hours gay u mean)

A bit of a time skip :]

Prison is so boring. I could do a daily run and let Sam chase me, but my wrist hurt after a while. Oh! What if...

I giggled.

"What so funny, inmate?"
"Nothing handsome~"
"Don't even try. Your ideas never work on me."
"The other ideas might not but this one might." I got up and walked up to the slightly taller man.
"And what is this idea of yours? Getting uncomfortably close to me?" I place my hands on his chest, sliding over his collarbone and around his neck.
"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

Sam POV:

God, if I'm seen with Punz like this, I'm done for. But if this is how Punz wants it, two can play at this game.

"Oh~ Trying to be smart, are you?"
"And what are you gonna do about it?" I grabbed his waist, flipping the position so Punz was against the wall and I was on top.
"E-eh? Oh, you have confidence now?" I giggled at the comment.
"You thought you could top!? Please." I pushed Punz against the wall and into a kiss, there was no hesitation from either of us, with the kiss deepening each second, I moved my hands to start unbuttoning his prison uniform revealing that he had a tight black top under it.

Punz grabbed the loose uniform by the sleeves, tying it around his waist since under that was just his underwear. Good. He had a brain not to take it all off just in case someone walked in, thank god for that. I broke the kiss upon hearing someone approaching the cell.

"Sorry darling, but someone is coming and I am not gonna lose my job to you." Punz groaned in disappointment as I let him go and lightly pushed him to the side so I could lean back on the wall again like nothing had happened.

"Sir, it's switch over time."
"Are you sure? I think I'm still here for another 3 hours."
"Boss needed you so he said to end your shift earlier than usual."
"Alright. That is quite okay with me, send the next guards right away."
"Yes sir." The messenger left to get the next guards for Punz.

"Uhm, what the fuck was that?"
"Sorry darling. I have actual work other than just patrolling you for hours."
"Oh. Come on, don't be like that!"
"I could get a guard to bring you to my office if that cheers you up."
"Oh! Really!"
"Ha, I knew that would get you. Anyways see you later, inmate."

hope you're enjoying these stories so far  and part two will be coming soon just have to wait! :P

hi editor crow is back hope you're all well and u enjoyed :D luv u
(i just fix the grammar and punctuation i don't actually write anything lol)

Word count ~830~

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