The Start Of Something New

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Mei's POV
this is it, my senior year of high school. when i walk in i go straight to my locker. but weirdly when i open it something falls out. when i pick it up i realize it's a note. i decide to unfold it and it ends up being a love note, signed secret admirer. the bell rang telling me that i don't have enough time to think about this right now, i shoved it in my backpack and started on my way to class. i was in the same first period as tyler. actually, we ended up right next to each other so that was something alright. a few minutes into class i saw a note pop up on my desk, i look over at tyler and he quickly turns his head acting like he was looking out the window. i roll my eyes and look back over at it deciding to open it. when i did it said "meet us for ice cream later?" i wrote on it "sure." and passed it back to him, i had no idea how i would get my mom to ever go for it but i'll figure something out.
Time skip to after school
i never figured anything out, i just decided to go and if my mom asks why i'm late i'll tell her i was at the library. i pulled up outside the ice cream shop and i could see them inside in line to get their ice cream. i walked through the door, hearing a bell ring when it opened. i saw all three of their heads turn towards me with smiles. "Hey Mei!" "Whats up girl!!" "Hey Mei"
it felt weird to see them acting like it was just another day of us hanging out, like nothing ever changed, but it was nice. "hey guys!"
We went through and got our ice cream, talking like we never stopped hanging out.
But of course, all good things must come to an end. Priya was talking about the latest book she read and that was when my phone rang. Just hearing it made my heart drop, it was my mom.
I picked it up and answered like I wasn't breaking my curfew to hang out with people I'm not allowed to hang out with.
"Uh.. hey mom, what's up?"
She yelled, I pulled my phone away from my face and I was sure the others could hear her.
"Yes ma'am, I'll be home right away."
With that she hung up the phone and i sadly had to leave my friends and go home to a mother that I know is most likely going to ground me when I get there.

When she got home
I walked in, closing the door as quietly as possible in hopes that I could get to my room before she knew I was back, but of course that didn't work.
"Meilin lee you have one minute to explain why you are so late, no lies no tricks, the truth."
"I was studying in the library and I must have lost track of time, I'm sorry."
"SORRY? Sorry does not even begin to cover it mei mei, and I know you're lying, so until you tell me the truth you are grounded. You will go to school and come right back after, and if you miss your curfew again by even a minute you will be in a lot more trouble. Now go to your room!"
"Yes mother."
I hated this, the constant yelling. A couple years ago she was fine, but it's like ever since miriam moved I'm not allowed to do anything.
When i got to my room I remembered the note from this morning, i sat on my bed and pulled it out of my backpack reading it again.
"Dear mei, the day I met you was the best day of my life. And the day I lost you was the worst. I hope that never happens again, -secret admirer."
I read it a few more times before setting it down and thinking, who could it be from?

The Note Of A Lifetime (mei x miriam)Where stories live. Discover now