Chapter One -- Keep Your Eyes Closed

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I was sitting on the floor in a mostly dark closet, a small beam of light escaped from the crack under the door. I closed my eyes and listened to the music playing in the party going on in the house. The party I was forced to go to.

My best friend, Taylor McKinley, took me shopping and bought a gorgeous dress for herself and one for me as well. She took me to get a facial and my hair dyed dark, opposed to it's usual bright blonde. Then we went to my favorite store, Masquerade, and got wonderful masks. I knew there was some funny buzz going on when we went shoe shopping on my birthday, Tay hates shoe shopping, but I ignored it, because she was trying to make me happy. And just when I thought it was over, and my big day was done. Surprise! A party. In my house no less. I hate parties. I'm the type who'd rather study than party. Tay however, just happens to be the biggest party freak ever. I love her to death, but the girl never sleeps.

Anyway, I became tired of the loud, fast-paced popular music being played. So I put on my headphones and began to play a great little song about a coffee shop. I blocked out the world, and let the lyrics take over. I began to drift asleep when someone pushed my headphones off of one of my ears. I snapped open my eyes, but they put a hand over my eyes and whispered "Keep your eyes closed."

I heard the door shut as the stranger removed their hand. Even when I opened my eyes, it was so dark I couldn't see who it was. I could only see their black chuck taylors, from the beam of light under the door.

"Who are you?" I asked

"Charmont. But you can call me Charlie." He said. After a moment I heard him let out a faint laugh. "I'm holding out my hand."

"Oh, sorry." I say. I feel through the air and find his hand. "Ellenor. Call me Ella."

"Ella. That's beautiful."

"Thanks." I'm a bit glad its so dark, so he can't see me blush. "So, what brings you to my closet?"

"This party. It's not really my scene. Fast-paced popular music and alot of close-body dancing. That isn't my thing." He says, as if reading my mind. "What about you? A beautiful girl such as yourself should be dancing, partying."

"That's not my scene either. I'd rather be in a library, or a coffee shop." I giggle to myself, knowing my favorite song is paused.

"A coffee shop huh?" Charlie says

"Yeah. Carmel Mocha Starbucks. That's ideal for me."

"So, do you know who's party this is?"


"Yours? And you're sitting in the closet? Letting everyone else have fun? Don't you think they'll miss the birthday girl"

"Nobody misses me. Trust. Nobody even notices. I'm invisible."

"Impossible. I notice you every day. You're amazing."

"No way. I'm just the girl with the glasses that sits in the back row. You stumbled into me on accident today."

"That's true. You are that girl, and this was an accident. But if I hadn't noticed you, I would have dropped off my coat and closed the closet. And if I didn't want to talk to you, I still would have left. But I didn't, so what does that tell you?"

I stop to think about what he said. I couldn't think of a response, so I sat in silence for a moment.

"Would you like to know a little secret?" He asked

"What's that?" I ask

"I think that possibly, maybe I've fallen for you." He says.

I let out a small gasp.

"Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you." He continues

"I've seen the path that your eyes wander down, I wanna come too..." I add

"I think that possibly I'm falling for you." We say together.

I smile brightly and giggle a bit.

"My birthday has been better than I could have hoped, thanks to you Charmont." I say

There was no reply. "Charmont?"

Silence. Just when I thought my birthday wouldn't be so bad.

I feel sudden heat overcome my body, as if someone is near me. Then I feel a soft touch on my lips. Someone is kissing me. I kiss back, unsure who it is but hoping. The kisser retreats.

"Call me Charlie." he says.

I don't have time to respond before he kisses me again. This kiss lasts much longer. He hovers over me and I play with his hair. He pulls back and says

"I have to go. We've both got school tomorrow."

"But I'm still not sure who you are. And I just realized how stupid that is. I've been making out with a stranger. Failure."

I hear Charlie laugh. "Don't worry Ella. I'm not really a stranger. Just a friend, in a mask. I'll see you tomorrow." He kisses my forehead, then covers my eyes with his hand and whispers "Keep your eyes closed."

He puts something in my hand, then I hear him walk out. I'm intrigued to look out the door, but I know it's no use. Everyone here is masked anyway. So I just sit, listen to my music, and fall asleep at the end of my perfect birthday.

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