Chapter Seven -- Charmont's Back

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"Who do you think --"

"Dylan! Obviously, who else?" Taylor answered before I could even finish my sentence.

"Do you think this is why he's been so distant? He didn't want me to suspect this!"

"Looks like Charmont's back." Drew said

"Yeah! Isn't it wonderful?"

"Yeah, great. Just great."

"I've got to find him and thank him! I'll see you guys later!" I say cheerfully as I run off to find Dylan.

I spotted him as he was coming out of the locker room. "Hey!" I shouted, to catch his attention. I rushed over to catch up with him. "I saw the graffiti wall at lunch. It was so amazing!"

"What?" Dylan replied, looking confused.

"The 'Princess Ella' art on the graffiti wall. You sprayed that out, right? It's really sweet."

"Oh, of course it was me." he said, his face more relaxed. "You liked that, huh?"

"Yeah! It's beautiful. Thank you," I kissed his cheek, then the bell rang.

"You busy free period babe?" he asked me, putting an arm around my waist.

"Yeah, I have a massive essay due in seventh that I need to finish." I lied in order to get some much needed study time.

"Well, off to the library for you then," he smiled, before he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and told him that I'd see him later, then we parted ways and I skipped off to the library.


I met Dylan back at his locker. "So, do you want to go out tonight? Somewhere besides that old coffee place?" He asked me

"Where were you thinking?"

"I don't know... I'll get you around seven tonight, it'll be a surprise." He replied with a grin and a wink. He closed his locker and grasped my hand, walking me to my next class.


 Dylan picked me up around a quarter after seven. I hopped in the car and asked him where we going.

"Somewhere you've never been before," he said, mysteriously.

"Okay." I said. Turning up the radio, I slowly fell asleep to the sound of The 1975 playing in the background.


  "Elle, wake up." I heard Dylan say softly as he shook me gently, waking me up. "We're here."

I open my eyes slowly. "Where?" I ask, as it's too dark to see where we had parked.

"You'll see." He said with a smile before walking around the car to open my door. He held out his hand. "Close your eyes and take my hand."

  I apprehensively did as he asked, following his little directions like 'watch out for the plant', or 'step up, up, last step' all the way up until he said "Okay, open."

I was stunned. There were candles everywhere. The coffee table was cloaked with a white table cloth, one tall candle was placed in the center and two plates were layed out. "Oh, Dylan it's wonderful. Is this your place?" I giggled when I saw that the plates were paper.

"Yeah," he said "I set it up just for us."

"What's for dinner?" I asked.

"Well, funny story actually." He took my wrist and led me into the kitchen. "We're making it."

Pots, bowls, spoons, and other supplies were set out nicely on the counter, and to the left of those were tomatoes, garlic, a box of spaghetti noodles, and various seasonings. "We're making spaghetti, does that sound good?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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