Seven: Movie Day

470 25 16

Nani Cazetti

After we got comfortable on her futon, one of three might I add, Jess presses play and immediately starts grinning, "This is my favorite movie ever." I nod, not really knowing how to respond. I'm just really horny.

Light bulb. "Can I tell you a secret?" I say suddenly over the movie, a snobby girl is taking to a guy I presume is her father. I don't want to watch the movie, honestly. I don't. I didn't think we would actually be watching a movie. I quickly examine her, she's so beautiful. She's biting her bottom lip and curling into a thick blanket that has random short texts on it, like lol and that.

"Yeah, sure." She's not really paying attention, but that's okay, she will be in a second.

I reach over and cuff my hand over her jawline and pull her closer. She lets it happen, I kiss her cautiously; making sure it's still okay. Her lips are soft and heavenly and she presses her lips onto mine perfectly. Hot damn. She's on top of me now, straddling me with the blanket in between us. I drop my hands to her waist, her skin is warm and soft, pulling her closer as I kiss her harder, slipping my tongue in. I grip her pants and inch her closer until her breasts are grazing my chin as we make out.

I can feel her pulling my hair, then my shirt, soon it's off and she's kissing down my neck. Fuck. I think I moan but I'm not sure. She stops suddenly. Why'd she stop, don't stop. She lifts her head from my chest and starts a stream of cuss words, "put your fucking shirt on," she snaps in a hushed tone.

I do as I'm told dolefully, man, I can never have fun.

Jess tip toes over to the banner that looks over half of the house. "Hey, Adrian." Her voice is strained, like she's trying to hold something back and is failing epically. "How was your run?"

I hear shuffling from downstairs, keys are dropped on a hard surface, probably the counter. "It was nice, hun. Went up to Long Lake and had a couple of beers with a friend of mine then came back." His voice makes it sound like a little more than drinks were had. "I'm not staying long," he's farther away now, "I have a meeting in Seattle tomorrow. Did you need anything before I go?"

She shakes her head, "no, fridge is stocked. I'm good for a while," this seems to be the end of the conversation because she sighs and walks back over to me.

I watch her carefully, "Is he-"

Jess grips my shirt and pulls me up off of the futon and kisses me hard while pushing me through the door into her room. She's smiling I can feel it in every kiss. She traces my gum line with her tongue and she tastes like mint.

Before I can get a chance to breathe, my shirt is on the floor and I am laying supine on the bed. "Yes," she whispers in my ear, "he's gone." She's tracing the indentations of my abs with her fingers, "what was that secret?"

I gulp, I can't remember, "uh," her lips are on my neck and I can't think. How is she doing this? "I can't remember." Stumbling over words, I feel her hand slip between my sweats and my protective shorts.

I watch, intensely, as she gets off. Now I'm getting irritated. "Well, that sucks that you can't remember, I'll be watching the movie until you can." She winks and glides through the door, and with that the movie is back on.

Dammit! I slide out of my shoes and take off my sweats leaving them there on the floor. "What do you think you're doing?" It's a mans voice, and for a second, I believe it's the movie and ignore it. "Excuse me, young lady, I asked you a question." Fuck.

I turn around, it's her Father. And I'm shirtless and he has caught me taking off my sweats. When the fuck did he get in here? "Uh, nothing," I stutter, trying to find an excuse, "I was-"

"She smells like week old training gear so I told her to take a shower." Do I really? I glance up at her and comb my fingers through my hair unintentionally, pulling a handful of hair up to my nose, it smells like strawberries and cream, my conditioner. "You can leave." She's glaring, clearly there's something going on between these two. It's awkward and embarrassing to be sitting on her bed in just a sports bra and basketball shorts.

He gives one more glance between Jess and I and motions for Jess to follow him. I'm about to get kicked out. "Can I speak with you. Alone." It's a tone that lawyers use when they know they're about to lose and they have to go behind the scenes to figure shit out.

Jess rolls her eyes and follows him out of her room and onto the terrace that leads to the stairs that leads to the garage.

She either forgot to close the door or did it on purpose so I can spy on the conversation, I decide it's the second option and tip toe over to the door. "It's none of your business why she's getting naked on my bed in my house."

There's a huff, "excuse me, missy, but don't forget who pays for this house." Feet on the stairs, "don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you."

"Watch me, Adrain." I hurriedly go back to sitting on the bed.


She comes through the door and closes it, and locks it. Rubbing her temples she comes over to me, and lays down on her stomach. "Give me a massage."

I suddenly have the urge to finish the movie.

(Chapter is complete, what'd you think? Comment, vote, interact :) love feedback! Above or to the side is a picture of Jessica's house)

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