Chapter 18

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3rd Person's pov

They all having fun. They went to different rides, eat different food and really like having fun. One thing Jungkook wanted to try a shooting game using a gun.

Joy and the others was cheering on him while Jay wasn't and saying Jungkook can't do it. But once the game started, Jungkook had shut 9 bulleyes shot while they are moving. His friends was amazed by him.

"How did you did that Kookie?"Taehyung ask in amusement.

"Before Joonie teaches me and I'm surprised that Jinnie is more good at it using at it rather than Joonie. But, ofcourse we didn't used real gun it was just a toy gun to practice shooting." Jungkook explain.

Joy's eyes widen. "The world Wide Handsome teaches you to use a gun when He didn't teach  me? That's unfair." Joy said.

"But its cool that you already know how to use guns in such a young age," Jay said.

"I was more familiar with weapons anyway." Kookie said sadly.

Everyone sense the sadness of Jungkook and wanted to talk to him but he was cut off by the attendant in the shooting booth.

"Neh? Sir what do you want as Prize? Your the first customer who shoot like that." The attendant said.

"Thanks, but I won't get any because I wanted just to test my skills." Jungkook said sheepishly.

"Heh~, then your skills was good." The attendant said.

"Thank you." Jungkook said bowing.

Jay on the other hand, "Shows off."

Jungkook glare at Jay and walk forward, but they didn't notice that the sky was already dark.

"Ah, its getting late. How about we should go home." Irene said.

"Yeah." Jungwon agreed.

"Wait, Kookie." Taehyung said as he grab Jungkook's hand. Then Taehyung whisper to Jungkook's ears which Jungkook nod.

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