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and so I thought

I didn't die, not yet

here I was tied up in a chair with a seems like a cloth covering my eyes because I can't see shit.

after 30 minutes of passing out I finally gain my consciousness but I keep my head down and pretends to be asleep so this people in the room won't notice.

"I know you're awake"

I got startled by that man's voice.

He took off my blindfold and now I can finally see the man's face

He wasn't alone he is with another man with a Purple Mullet hair.

I am lying if I say that this two Man wasn't Handsome.

They are fucking gorgeous.

Why is this two pretty man doing a crime?

then I turned my head to the left and see the old man still unconscious.

Then it hit me.

Why are we even here??

I am a bit hesitant but gathered all my courage to ask a question.

The man with a long white hair is talking with the purple mullet hair

U-uhm, Sir I am sorry for interrupting you two but why are we here? I asked.

Why don't you ask your father. the long white haired man said

he walks towards us and kicked my dad to wake him up.

Hey old bastard, I told you to bring my money back didn't I? The Long white haired man said with anger in his voice.

I got scared because of how powerful that kick was, it may broke some of my father's ribs.

and I saw my dad is coughing blood.

I am sorry I didn't have the money right now, please give me at least a month to pay you back.

My father pleaded to him and he almost kiss the ground.

I already gave you 5 months you bastard, I WANT THE FUCKING MONEY BACK NOW!!

he yelled at my father.

then the purple mullet haired man pulled out a gun and pointed it onto my Father's head.

I got scared, they will kill my father.

Please, stop. . .

My voice wont come out.

And then My father replied.


what did he just say? I said to myself.


did he really said that?

The two man looked at me from head to toe with a judgement in their eyes and look at my father again who is kneeling in front of them.

did that bastard really give his own daughter to a criminal??

the purple mullet haired man put down his gun and the White long haired man replied.

Very well then, I accept this offer. he said that with a amused smirk on his face.

and then he continued.

after this I don't want to see your disgusting face ever again you heard me old man?

Yes sir, you wont ever see me again. My father said

I can't believe that he is really giving me to them like I was nothing.

Now get out of here and don't ever comeback, boys get the girl.

The other dude that seems to be their body guard removed the ropes that was tied in my hand and held me like I was going to run away (As if I could do that)

Then I looked back at my father who is walking away in the opposite direction.

My heart is full of disappointment, anger and hatred towards him

Now I really hate this man From the bottom of my toes to the top of my scalp.

One day I'll rip him into pieces and burned him until no one can ever recognize him again.

"Put her in the backseat" The long white haired man Commanded them.

they put me on the backseat of a expensive looking car.

The purple mullet haired guys was driving and the long white haired man is beside him.

and the whole ride is very quiet, the engine of the car is the only thing you can hear.

a few minutes we entered a tall gate and it was suddenly opened for us.

We have arrived to a big mansion no, it's like a palace it is so spacious.

A lot of guards surrounded the area and bowed to them.

WELCOME BACK SIRS. they respectfully bowed at the two of them.

Bring this girl to the one of our guest's room. The purple mullet haired man said.

Yes sir right away. one of the guard said and then proceed to take me to the guest room that they are talking about.

Man, this house is fucking huge I know that their is a lot of rich people but I have never seen one not until now.

How rich this people are

and then I asked

Excuse me but where am I, I really don't have a single clue.

Three bodyguard look at each other and then on of them spoke.

"you are in the Bonten's Mansion miss"

My heart dropped when he said that

that damned old man messed with the bonten's man

The worst and biggest criminal organization in Japan??

My life is real fucked up now

I guess this is where it ends I am really going to die now

𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓'𝖘 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖚𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖚𝖗Where stories live. Discover now