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The next day

I was sleeping peacefully. . .

Not until someone just fucking loudly knock onto my rooms door.

It was so loud that the door might break

I immediately get up to open the door

As I open the door I saw Mr. Sanzu leaning against the door frame with a frown on his Face

Tsk. This girl! He said Angrily

I-uhm. . . Goodmorning Sir. I said with a nervous voice

No one have told you to wake up early? He questioned

No sir I apologize. I bowed 90 degrees  because I'm fucking scared of him, his eyes could kill someone in just a second.

Tsk. Just get ready, eat up and wear this, you have some fucking training to do. He toss some clothes to me and then leave

Wow what a rude guy he is just like my father but I hate my father more.

With that I quickly ran to the bathroom to get ready

After showering I wore the clothes Mr. Sanzu gave me.

I immediately run out of my room and as soon as I got out I bumped onto Akito.


Oh I'm so sorry Miss, I didn't mean to hurt you, are you okay? Akito said and lend me a hand to get up

No no I'm okay it's my fault that I wasn't looking, and I should be the one who's asking you that, are you okay?

Yes I am fine miss, but I think you need to go down stairs ,eat up and get ready, you have a training the Sirs isn't going to be Happy if you're late miss. He said calmly

Thank you. That's the only word I said, I've never been treated like this before it's melting my heart.

Let me accompany you miss.

[Down stairs]

I ate up and do some stretches after

Then Akito accompanied me to the training ground, this place is really huge what the heck, how can someone afford this kind of living

I saw Mr. Sanzu with irrated look, Mr Ran with a flirty smile and he even winked at me, and also His brother Mr. Rindou

Well well well isn't it miss little gorgon right here~

Mr. Ran said with the most Flirtatious voice while walking up to me

Come on now princess you're late you know~ he added

20mins Late to be exact tsk. Come on now quick, you're wasting my time. Mr. Sanzu Said

Mr. Rindou just look at Mr. Sanzu with bored eyes

The training begun

They teach me how to use weapons like guns and knives, just the basic skills

They also teach me some basic self defense just in case someone gets inside or if someone cornered me somewhere

I pretty much get all the things right, but when it comes to Mr. Sanzu I couldn't

It's like I can do shit right, he gets mad or irritated easily until he gave up

okay. THAT. IS. IT. I'm fucking done with this girl I'm leaving. He said while walking out of the training ground

Wow~ never saw him that pissed but I'm kinda liking it HAHAHA. Mr. Rindou said

Fuck you Rin I heard you!! Mr. Sanzu yelled

Well I guess we need to stop for now nice job princess. Mr. Ran Said while walking out with his brother


Hii it is good to be back againnn after 5 years HAHAHHAHAHA hope you guys still enjoys my Fanfiction

This chapter is kinda short but I promise to do the next chapter longer

Love y'all ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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