Prologue 6: An Exceptional Trial!

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"Fuuuuuuuunya! Funya! Funyaaa~~~~!!" Grim exclaimed as he kept breathing out his blue flames left and right. Meanwhile, the girls had armed themselves with their brooms and dusters as they stood behind Grim, keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of the ghosts.

Once the ghosts appeared, the four girls tried hitting them with their brooms and dusters. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't hit them as their brooms and dusters went right through their transparent bodies.

Grim tried to hit the ghosts with his flames, but the ghosts were too nimble as they kept dodging his attacks. "You can't hit us at all~! Eeheeheehee!" the short ghost taunted. The thin and fat ghosts even made taunting faces and blew raspberries at Grim, making him outraged.

 The thin and fat ghosts even made taunting faces and blew raspberries at Grim, making him outraged

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"Uuuuurgh!" he growled before he turned towards Aria. "Hey, you!" he yelled. "Tell me where they are with a louder voice! I can't hear you at all, yanno!" Aria was about to apologize when they heard the ghosts giggling behind them. "If you're gonna be whispering over there let us in too~!" the fat ghost taunted.

Grim immediately turned around and spewed out his flames at the fat ghost. "Funyaa! Don't come any closer~~~!!" he shrieked. "Fugnaaaa~!!!" He then shot his flames at the fat ghost. The fat ghost shrieked as he flew away, trying to put out the blue flames on his top hat.

"Yeah—! I knew it, I'm a genius mage, yanno~!" Grim cheered. "As long as it's left in the hands of the great Grim-sama, it'll be so easy I don't even need any directions from some humans! Nyahahaha!" Kira scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch, buster." she said. Suddenly, the short ghost suddenly popped up in front of Grim. "Gyahahahaha!" he cackled loudly, making Grim jump 10 feet into the air. "Funya————??!" he yowled, his fur standing on end and his cobalt-colored eyes widening with fright.

He then landed beside Jazmin's feet and he quickly turned around to face her. "H-h-h-h-h-h-hey, you! If a ghost shows up like that, you gotta tell me right away, yanno~!" he stuttered. Jazmin soon spotted one coming through the ceiling.

 Jazmin soon spotted one coming through the ceiling

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"Above you!" she shouted. Grim lifted his head and breathed his fire upward, hitting the fat ghost. "Aaaiiieee! Hot, hot, hot!" he cried as he frantically patted his flaming chest. "There's one coming to your right!" Kira yelled. Grim spewed out his flames. But the ghosts were getting a lot smarter and quicker.

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