Prologue 19: A Miracle Reconsideration!

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"A monster causing a riot at the entrance ceremony... The chandelier in the cafeteria getting broken... Honestly, all these troubles happening one after the next this year will be the death of me." Crowley muttered to himself as he walked into the Mirror Chamber. He was still quite incensed about the chandelier accident.

Suddenly, the Dark Mirror started to glow, and before he knew it, the six teens and Grim emerged from the Mirror and entered the Mirror Chamber. They were all quite surprised when they saw Crowley standing in front of them.

Without wasting any time, the group presented him with the magic crystal, telling him that they went into the Dwarfs' Mine and got exactly what he wanted. They had thought that he would accept it and let them go about their day...but what happened next came unexpected to them.

"Eh?! You really went to Dwarfs' Mine to find a magic crystal?" Crowley asked them, his eyes wide with shock

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"Eh?! You really went to Dwarfs' Mine to find a magic crystal?" Crowley asked them, his eyes wide with shock. He was genuinely surprised that they did. It was as if he wasn't expecting them to actually go and get a crystal for him.

"Eeeh?!" the whole group went. They were undeniably confused. What did he mean did they really go? He clearly said they would all be expelled if they didn't. Crowley blinked in confusion before he paused and rethought the situation at hand. "I really didn't think... My word, I never actually thought you'd go..."

"You'd not only go but then come back with a crystal in hand. I quietly completed the paperwork for your expulsion." he told them. Just from hearing that, and remembering what they all had to go through, the girls thought for sure they all felt like fainting.

"Nnga! The nerve of this guy! While we were off fighting some crazy beast!" Grim shouted in annoyance

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"Nnga! The nerve of this guy! While we were off fighting some crazy beast!" Grim shouted in annoyance. Crowley blinked in confusion when the little cat gremlin mentioned something about a crazy beast.

"Beast?" he asked curiously as he looked at the group. "There was a monster there! It was super gross and crazy strong. It was awful!" Ace exclaimed.

Ooh... now this was truly odd. Crowley never knew there would be any monsters living around that area. Although, that would explain why the six teens and Grim looked like they're ready to collapse right where they were standing. They were utterly exhausted.

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