Prologue 10: Cheeky Mates!

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Ace's sudden change of behavior made the four girls pause

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Ace's sudden change of behavior made the four girls pause. "Ffgna~!!" Grim gasped. And that smile immediately fell from Ace's face as he began to burst out laughing at the bewildered and angered expressions on the girls and Grim's faces. "Pfft... Ahaha! I can't bear it anymore! Ahahahaha!" Ace guffawed.

"Aren't you the guys who went crazy at the entrance ceremony? You were summoned by the Dark Mirror even though you can't use magic, and you, a monster, weren't called but still trespassed." he wheezed, pointing at Grim. "Man, it took everything I had not to lose it at the ceremony."

The girls have never felt so embarrassed in their lives as they all felt their faces flush red. Alice just wished the ground would swallow her up whole. Kira clenched her fists as she glared at Ace irately, her shoulders shaking with rage.

"Come on, dude! Really?! You can't be serious right now!" she thought as she gritted her teeth. Grim felt the same as her as he glared at Ace and growled at him. "Whaaa?! You're a rude one!" he shouted. "So, in the end, you weren't allowed to enroll here and now work as janitors? Haha, how lame." Ace laughed.

Any hope that the girls had on making a new friend was immediately shattered before it could even soar

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Any hope that the girls had on making a new friend was immediately shattered before it could even soar. Poor Alice felt her heart break and the tears brimming in her sky-blue eyes.

Her shoulders trembled while Aria and Jazmin tried to console her. Meanwhile, Kira and Grim were both shaking with pure anger, their blood boiling. "What did you just say?" Grim growled. Despite this, Ace continued his teasing, this time with a slight look of annoyance on his face.

"On top of that, you don't even know about the Great Seven. How ignorant can you be? As I recommend you go back to kindergarten before coming to Night Raven College." he teased. Kira and Grim both glared furiously at the young teen and were getting angrier with each passing second.

 Kira and Grim both glared furiously at the young teen and were getting angrier with each passing second

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