Pilot 2

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I saw Tori standing in the hallway as I walked with Cat. "Oh, hey K-" "Oh my god! You're Tori, right?" Cat cut her off. "Uh-huh." She smiled at her. "You were so awesome on the big showcase!" Cat complimented her. "Awh, thanks!" "My name's Cat." She told her. "Oh! Like the animal!" "What's that supposed to mean?!" Cat asked dramatically. "Nothing, Cat, she's just saying, that it sounds like the animal cat." I tried to calm her down. "Yeah. I- I love cats." "Me too, they're so cute." She walked away. "And there she goes." She said and sighed. "That's Cat for you." I said as I saw Robbie enter. "Oh hey, Robbie! Hi Rex!" I waved at them. "Hey!" Tori joined in. "Nothing! Uh h-hi! female. Yes!" He greeted nervously. "Do you know where Sikowice's class is?" (I have no idea how to spell sikowice)
After she asked, Robbie explained rather weirdly. Rex corrected him in a rude way of course. "Thank you." She stated. "Whateva it takes, cupcake." Rex flirted. She turned around and looked at him weirdly. With that, we walked away.

        ~Time skip to Tori walking in~

We walked in and I sat down. She looked around as Beck came in and bumped into her, spilling his coffee.
"Oh!" "I'm so sorry!" She apologized. "Here!" She rubbed her sleeve on his shirt as I just stared and looked around for Jade. The door opened. "And here she comes." I said and smiled at my friend Jade. "Dude!" She said as Tori looked at her. "Why you rubbing my boyfriend?" She asked. "Oh, I- I just spilled coffee on hi-" "Get away from him." Jade fake smiled and waved her arm as a signal. "Relax." Beck stepped next to her and kissed her cheek as Sikowice came in and screamed. "Oh my god, there's a huge fire!" I sat up immediately searching for Cat.  "Kidding, kidding! Just wanted to get ya blood pumping wich I did, Ha!" He pulled his arms close to him and stepped on the stage. "Alright, everyone sit!" "He's our teacher?" Tori asked, weirded out. Andre nodded. "Okay, first I'd like to introduce our new student, Tori and thank her for her generous gift of two dollars." He showed the money around. "Why'd you give him money?" Andre asked her. "I don't know! I thought he was homeless!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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