Chapter 1: Feelings

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Rewritten: 12/9/2023

*Anything in italics are her thoughts unless said otherwise "

Harmoni P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming my name "Moni come here!" Man, it's too early for this, I crawled out of my bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes before saying " Yes ma'am, I'm coming" Jesus she doesn't always have to yell. I grabbed my robe off the floor and walked towards my opened door to walk downstairs but there she was standing in all her bitter glory waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes ma'am, you called me" Such formality for a terrible person.
" I did, where the fuck is my lighter?"  I looked at her for a second trying to process what she was saying before answering "I don't know, I didn't have it. Did you ask Kai?" She answered
"Yes I did and she said you had it, so where the fuck did you put it" she tweaking this early about a lighter? "I don't know mama, I didn't have it and you know that even if I did I would have put it back" She rolled her eyes and said "Well since you didn't have it go take your broke ass to the store and buy me a new one now" How am I broke when i have to buy the new lighter?

" Yes ma'am" Now I gotta walk to the fucking store in the goddamn cold early in the damn morning all because she lost her lighter. I grabbed my coat and put on my shoes while walking out of the house closing the door behind me. The air is crisp and icy when I step outside even though it's the middle of March.... That's the perks of living in a small ass rural town, the weather is constantly changing. It's bipolar much like my mother.

I arrive at the small corner store and walk in to begin my search for a stupid lighter. Seriously where do they keep them? I looked up and spotted them behind the counter and was instantly filled with dread. Great now I have to talk to people when I didn't even brush my teeth. " Excuse me, can I have a lighter please?" well that went better than expected.

" Yes ma'am, your total will be $1.75 are you paying with cash or card?" I politely answered "Cash" She handed me the lighter and I said a quick thank you before I began my walk home. instead of going home impulsively, I chose to take a detour to the park.

I arrived at the park in a couple of minutes and sat down on the bench to clear my head. Jesus, it's freezing out here, but I need the fresh air. I'm going to turn 18 in 2 days and then I can finally get the fuck up out of here... I'm tired of this dead town and my crazy ass mother. Now that I think about it, I probably should head home it's getting late.

I stood up while dusting my butt off and began my short walk home. By the time I arrived home, the sun was already high in the sky and every light was off except for the kitchen light. that's not a good sign. I walked in; sat the lighter on the living room table and began walking upstairs to get ready.

Before I could even make it halfway up the stairs I heard a voice calling me from the kitchen. "Moni!" damn just when I thought I was in the green. I walked back downstairs into the kitchen answering with a quick " Yes ma'am" Praying that today would be peaceful.

My mother walked up to me slowly eyeing me down before asking calmly "Where were you?" I backed up a little bit to make more space before answering " I went to the par-" Before I even got the chance to finish my sentence I was met with a quick slap across my face. "Did I say you could go to the park?" She spoke too calmly while staring me in the eyes. " No Ma'am," I said while holding the left side of my cheek. " Exactly so why would you go to the park?"  I stared at her contemplating what to say next before quietly saying " I don't know"  She stared at me in complete silence and I watched her holding my breath waiting on what she'd do next.

Swiftly she grabbed my journal off the table and threw it directly at my face. It smacked me hard and hit me in the nose. Shit. I leaned back clutching my bleeding nose while cursing silently to myself.  She watched me intensely before saying " I read your journal, next time you wanna talk shit about me find a better place to It. Now get out my face." so she read it. " Yes ma'am" I bent down picking my journal up off the floor and began walking out of the kitchen to go to my room when I heard her say " And where the fuck is my lighter?"

I walked out of the kitchen, grabbed the lighter off the living room table, and handed it to her while still holding my bloody nose. I left the kitchen and walked upstairs into my room quietly closing my door, so she wouldn't think I was being disrespectful. Fuck now I got to clean another bloody nose.

I grabbed some tissue off my dresser and shoved it up my nose to stop the bleeding. I am not built for this. I grabbed some night clothes out of my dresser and walked out of my room towards the bathroom grabbing a rag and towel along the way. I shut and locked the door to make sure no one would come in; I turned on the water and felt it to make sure the temperature was just right and hopped in. I scrubbed my body while singing my favorite song.

"There's a place that I go that nobody knows where the rivers flow and I call it home and there's no more lies in the darkness there's light and nobody cries there's only butterflies...... take me away, a secret place, a sweet escape take me away-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" My mother screamed from somewhere in the house. Jesus, she always kills the mood. " YES MA'AM!," I said as I turned off the water while I grabbed my towel off the hook, and began drying off. Once I was done, I got dressed and started brushing my teeth while humming.

I finished brushing my teeth and grabbed a hair tie to put my hair in a bun. Once I finished  I grabbed my dirty clothes; put them in the hamper and walked back into my room shutting the door behind me. I sat down at my desk grabbed my Journal from my bed and turned to a fresh page and began writing,

Dear Diary,

Today has barely begun and I  already got in trouble for a lighter I didn't have... my mom tends to blame me for everything. I can't believe she read my journal, talk about invasion of privacy. Anyway, at least she didn't beat me this time, and thank the lord her annoying ass boyfriend isn't here. Well, I better do my homework now. PS things will get better!

Sincerely, Moni

I closed my journal and hid it under my mattress before sitting back down and pulling out my homework for the upcoming week and began working. By the time I finished everything it was already four in the afternoon so I decided to take a quick nap. I crawled into my bed under the covers and quickly drifted off to sleep only to be disturbed by a reoccurring nightmare.

*creak* I opened my eyes slowly and saw a dark figure walking into my room. I tried to move but my body was paralyzed. Slowly the figure started walking towards me whispering something I couldn't understand, I tried to scream but my mouth was glued shut all I could do was watch as the man slowly pulled out s knife and-"

"Ahhhh" I woke up from my dream in a cold sweat holding my abdomen while a phantom pain rang throughout it. Shit, I thought I got over that.

Hi guys, that's the end of chapter one I hope you all enjoyed it and please let me know what you think.

What do y'all think happened to her?

P.S. Anything in italics are thoughts unless said otherwise and pay attention to what she writes in her "journal" it's important.

XoXo- Gossip Girl

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